Apollo Theatre
Broadway - Etats-Unis

Construction: 1910 - Fermeture: 1996

Topologie du théâtre

Nombre de salles actives: 1
Salle 1: (1200)    1910 - Actif


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1910 - Actif


11) Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1933 (Original)

Joué durant  4 semaines

Nb de représentations: 25 représentations
Première preview: 02 December 1933
Première: 02 December 1933
Dernière: 30 December 1933

Parolier: *** Divers •  
Metteur en scène: Lew Leslie •  
Avec: Bill Robinson, John Mason, James Thomas Boxwill, Lionel Monagas, Henry Williams, Speedy Smith, Edith Wilson, Slappy Wallace, Eddie Hunter, Brady Jackson, John Worthy and Eddie Thompson, Kathryn Perry, Mary Mathews, Blue McAllister, Gretchen Branche, Louise Madison, Phil Scott, Al Richard, Martha Thomas, Too Sweet, Pike Davis and His Continental Orchestra; Blackbirds Beauties: Toni Ellis, Baby Simmons, Evelyn Sheppard, Gertrude Williams, Louise Patterson, Deanie Gordon, Emma Smith, Inez Persaud, Thelma Williams, Muriel Cook, Maudine Simmons, Clarice Cook, Ronetta Hutchens, Lillian Roberts, Dorothy Saunders, Kathryn Evans; Show Girls: Inez Gray, Josephine Grier, Judy Sunshine, Cynthia Richardson, Viola Paradees, Alberta Castor; Cecil Mack’s Choir: Frank Jackson, Alonzo Bosan, James Skelton, W. E. Allen, Abner Dorsay, David Collins, Earl L. Sydnor, James Armstrong, Clarence Lenton, David Bethe, Eloise Uggams, Jessie Zachary, Anna Bell Ross, Ina Duncan, Laura Duncan, Musa Williams, Waldine Williams, Edythe Sewell 



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10) Take a Chance (Original)

Joué durant  7 mois

Nb de représentations: 243 représentations
Première preview: 26 November 1932
Première: 26 November 1932
Dernière: 01 July 1933

Compositeur: Nacio Herb Brown • Richard A Whiting •  
Parolier: B.G. DeSylva •  
Libettiste: B.G. DeSylva • Laurence Schwab •  
Metteur en scène: Edgar MacGregor •  
Avec: Cast: Jack Haley (Duke Stanley), Sid Silvers (Louie Webb), June Knight (Toni Ray), Ethel Merman (Wanda Brill), Jack Whiting (Kenneth Raleigh), Douglas Wood (Andrew Raleigh), Mitzi Mayfair (Consuelo Raleigh), Robert Gleckler (Mike Caruso), Josephine Dunn (Thelma Green), George Pauncefort ( Butler); Cast Members of the revue-within-the-musical Humpty Dumpty: Oscar Ragland, Sara Jane, John Grant, Louise Seidel, Lee Beggs, Al Downing, Andrew Carr, Louise Carr; Dancers: Louise Allen, Gerry Billings, Lucille Brodin, Flo Brooks, Jean Carson, Marian Dixon, Helen Fairweather, Emily Fitzpatrick, Arline Garfield, Fran ces Gordon, Ethel Green, Marian Herson, Julie (aka Juliette) Jenner, Dorothy Kal, Gloria Kelly, Paula King, Jane Lane, Evelyn Laurie, Florence Mallee, Anna Marie McKenney, Frances McHugh, Dorothy Morgan, Julia Pirie, Blanche Poston, Adelaide Raleigh, Mildred Webb, James Ardell, Henry King, Clark Leston, Edward Shane; The Ritz Quartette: William H. Stamm, Edward Delridge, Neil Evans, and Chet Bree; The Admirals: Tommy Ladd, Jack Armstrong, Budd Kehlner, and Paul Pegue 



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9) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  5 mois 3 semaines

Nb de représentations: 202 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 14 September 1931
Dernière: 05 March 1932

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Joan Abbott, Jane Alden, Betty Allen, Joanna Allen, Barbara Blair, Hazel Boffinger, Ray Bolger, Pearl Bradley, Mary Ann Carr, Patsy Clarke, Rose Collins, Ethel Barrymore Colt, Dorothy Daly, Inez de Plessis, Gay Delis, Dorothy Dixon, Harry Dixon, Lois Eckhart, Joan English, Alice Faye, Jacqueline Feeley, Beth Foth, Alice Frohman, The Gale Quadruplets, Myra Gerald, Julia Gorman, Margaret Haller, Patricia Hayward, Gay Hill, Eugene Howard, Willie Howard, Flo Johnson, Renee Johnson, Dorothy Keene, Hilda Knight, Ethel Lawrence, Helen Lee, Sidney Limb, Loomis Sisters, Fred Manatt, Everett Marshall, Ross McLean, Ethel Merman, Anne Morgan, Peggy Moseley, Gloria Mossman, Hazel Nevin, Gloria Pierre, Adelaide Raleigh, Peggy Ring, Cornelia Rogers, May Slattery, Danny Tannen, Marion Thompson, Rudy Vallee, Joseph Vitale 

Commentaire: Music by Ray Henderson; Lyrics by Lew Brown; Book by George White, Irving Caesar and Lew Brown; Additional text by Harry Conn; Musical Director: Al Goodman; Music orchestrated by Howard Jackson  (plus) 


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8) Flying High (Original)

Joué durant  10 mois

Nb de représentations: 355 représentations
Première preview: 03 March 1930
Première: 03 March 1930
Dernière: 03 January 1931

Compositeur: Ray Henderson •  
Parolier: B.G. DeSylva • Lew Brown •  
Libettiste: B.G. DeSylva • John McGowan • Lew Brown •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Grace Brinkley (Eileen Cassidy), Pearl Osgood (Bunny McHugh), Oscar Shaw (Tod Addison), Henry Whittemore (Gordon Turner), Bob Lively (Tim), Dorothy Hall (Judy Trent), Russ Brown (“Sport” Wardell), Kate Smith (Pansy Sparks), Bert Lahr (“Rusty” Krause), Fred Manatt (Major Watts, MD), Len Saxon (Mr. Henry), Jack Bruns (Mr. Charles), The Gale Quadruplets (Jane, Jean, Joan, and June); Aviatrixes, Aviators, Mechanics, Witnesses, Visitors, Others: Ladies of the Ensemble—Lois Eckhart, Joanna Allen, Diana Seaby, Mildred Webb, Peggy Ring, Peggy Moseley, Marcia Sweet, Hazel Boffinger, Bobbe Campbell, Beth Holt, Helene Miller, Carrol Miller, Florence Marriner, Edith Martin, Vivian Mathison, Dorothy Morgan, Gladys Paget, Cornelia Rogers, Jane Stafford, Betty Travers, Al Vickers, Carolyn Sickle, Virginia Case, Bobby Bright, Marian Dixon, Mildred Green, Julia Gorman, Renee Johnson, Maurice McNeil, Flora Taylor, Ebba Sparre, Peggy Hastings, Dorothy Donnolly; Gentlemen of the Ensemble—John McCahill, Dan Wakeley, C. G. Meyer, Jack Bruns, Don Hudson, James Howard, Len Saxon, H. Anderson, B. R. Tilberg, William Murray, Robert Lewis, Howard Johnson, Joe Vitalie, James Elliott, Morton Shephard, Robert James 



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7) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  4 mois 2 semaines

Nb de représentations: 161 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 23 September 1929
Dernière: 08 February 1930

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Vada Alexander, Joanna Allen, Nitza Andre, Kay Apgar, Stella Bayliss, Pauline Bensinger, Pearl Bradley, Ethel Britton, Pauline Brooks, Marietta Canty, Arthur Cardinal, Jim Carty, Ernest Charles, Inez de Plessis, Marion Dickson, Elsie Duffy, Jack Durant, Sue Elliott, Elm City Four, Alice Fogg, Marion Ford, Elise Gernon, Dolly Gilbert, Eleanor Gillespie, Julia Gorman, Mildred Green, Billie Hart, May Hass, Theo Holley, Eugene Howard, Willie Howard, Beatrice Jay, Renee Johnson, Jessie Kassel, Alice Kerwin, Mildred Klaw, Gladys Law, Gertrude Lowe, Fred Lyon, Marilyn Mack, Margaret Manners, Amy McKay, Pearl McKnight, Myrtle Messer, Ida Michaels, Leslyn Miller, Frank Mitchell, Harry Morrissey, Peggy Moseley, Carolyn Nolte, Patsy O'Day, Margie O'Shea, Lenore Petitt, Edith Pragan, Elizabeth Rapieff, Kathleen Reichner, Anna Rex, Mabel Rickert, Peggy Schaber, Claire Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Jean Scott, Edwina Skorat, May Slattery, Etta Sparre, Lesley Storey, Elizabeth Sundmark, Marion Sweet, Ted and Sally, Rose Turman, George White, Jack White, Frances Williams, Evelyn Wilson, Florence Wilson, Youda Wood 

Commentaire: Music by Cliff Friend and George White; Book by William K. Wells and George White; Lyrics by Cliff Friend, George White and Irving Caesar; Musical Director: William Daly; Music orchestrated by Maurice DePackh; Featuring songs by Ray Henderson; Featuring songs with lyrics by Lew Brown and Buddy DeSylva  (plus) 


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6) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  6 mois 3 semaines

Nb de représentations: 240 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 02 July 1928
Dernière: 19 January 1929

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Gladys Astor, Marjorie Barley, Bernice & Emily, William Blanche, Pearl Bradley, Barbara Bright, Mary Brown, Arthur Cardinal, Alvina Carson, Violet Carson, James Carty, Kathryn Cathcart, Marie Cole, Beryl Collinson, Jean Cutler, Marion Cutler, Rae Davis, Dorothy Dawn, Marion Dickson, Elsie Duffy, Lois Eckhart, Elm City Four, Jacqueline Feeley, Selma Freeman, Ednamay French, Ivy Gayner, Elise Gerndon, Dolly Gilbert, Marjorie Gilbet, Ruth Goodwin, Ivena Hall, Ann Hardman, Hastings Twins, Mitzi Hayes, Mabel Hill, Eugene Howard, Willie Howard, Helen Howe, Renee Johnson, Arnol Johnson's Band, Marie Keve, Wynne Lark, Muriel LeCount, Georgia Lerch, Alice Lorraine, Frances Lyle, June MacCloy, Boots Mallory, Margaret Manners, Marion Martin, Laverta McCormack, Isabel Mohr, Harry Morrissey, Peggy Moseley, Gloria Murray, Jo Navarro, Catherine NaVarro, Louise Newman, William O'Neal, Gloria O'Neil, Belle Osborne, Margie O'Shea, Mildred Ott, Arthur Page, Sally Parsons, Tom Patricola, Ann Pennington, Rose Perfect, Edna Rabbe, Catherine Reynolds, Harry Richman, Florence Robinson, Russell Markert Dancers, Lilyan Sabolis, May Slattery, Gertrude Smith, Elsie St. Clare, Dorothy Stewart, George White Girls, Frances Williams, Geraldine Wright, 

Commentaire: Music by Ray Henderson; Lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown; Book by George White and William K. Wells; Musical Director: William Daly; Featuring songs by Ballard MacDonald, Dave Dreyer, Ted Fiorito, Abel Baer, J. Fred Coots and Neil Moret; Featuring songs with lyrics by Ballard MacDonald, Dave Dreyer, Richard Whiting, Sam M. Lewis, Joe Young, Lou Davis, Edward G. Nelson and Harry Pease  (plus) 


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5) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  1 an

Nb de représentations: 432 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 14 June 1926
Dernière: 18 June 1927

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Adrienne Alford, Marjory Alford, Evelyn Arden, Edna Bowman, Mary Bowman, Flo Brooks, Jessie Brown, Lillian Brushette, Doris Bryant, Arthur Cardinal, James Carty, Mae Chandler, Catherine Chapman, Dorothy Chilton, Norma Cloos, Suzanne Conroy, Jean Cullen, Bernardo De Pace, Dolly Donnelly, Clare Douglass, Janet Flynn, Fowler & Tamara, Peggy Gallimore, Lloyd Garrett, Ruth Gordon, Ruth Grey, Marion Harcke, Harriet Hastings, Hastings Twins, Portland Hoffa, Eugene Howard, Willie Howard, Jean Kenin, Mildred Klaw, Garnet Lane, Etta Laughton, Esta Lawton, Muriel LeCount, Georgia Lerch, Fred Lyon, Margaret Manners, McCarthy Sisters, Laverta McCormack, James Miller, Odessa Morgan, Harry Morrissey, Peggy Moseley, Margie O'Shea, Tom Patricola, Peggy Penn, Ann Pennington, Rose Perfect, Nora Puntin, Patricia Pursley, Harry Richmond, Clara Scott, Jean Scott, Jane Sels, May Slattery, Etta Sparre, Fairbanks Twins, Anna Wayne, Ruth Wayne, John Wells, Buster West, Alice White, Peggy Wilcox, Alice Wilkie, Frances Williams 

Commentaire: Music by Ray Henderson; Book by George White and William K. Wells; Lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown; Music orchestrated by Maurice DePackh; Musical Director: William Daly; Featuring songs by George Gershwin  (plus) 


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4) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  4 mois 3 semaines

Nb de représentations: 169 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 22 June 1925
Dernière: 14 November 1925

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Vada Alexander, Arthur Ball, Edna Bowman, Doris Bryant, Jim Carty, Katherine Chapman, Marion Courtney, Chris Crane, Marion Dickson, Betty Dillon, Harriet Dillon, Dolly Donnelly, Gordon Dooley, Dorothy Ellfelt, Elm City Four, Janet Flynn, Harry Fox, Peggy Gallimore, Anita Gordon, Ruth Gordon, Viola Hage, Myrtle Hammerstead, Roberta Haynes, Helen Hudson, Emily Johns, Mildred Klaw, Kathryn Lambly, Muriel LeCount, Georgia Lerch, Fred Lyons, Dorothy McCarthy, Margaret McCarthy, Helen Morgan, Harry Morrissey, Martha Morton, Marjorie Murray, Mary Murray, Mary Norris, Mary Parsons, Tom Patricola, Laura Phillips, Norman Phillips, Norman Phillips, Jr., Mrs. Norman Phillips, Ethel Sager, Clara Scott, Jean Scott, Jane Sels, Marjorie Shaw, Adele Smith, Joe Sullivan, Alice Thalman, Helen Titus, Mildred Turner, Alice Weaver, Helen Wehrle, Alice Wilkie 

Commentaire: Music by Ray Henderson; Book by George White and William K. Wells; Lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown; Music orchestrated by Maurice DePackh; Musical Director: William Daly; Featuring songs by Irving Berlin  (plus) 


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3) George White's Scandals (Original)

Joué durant  5 mois 2 semaines

Nb de représentations: 196 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 30 June 1924
Dernière: 13 December 1924

Compositeur: *** Divers •  
Parolier: *** Divers •  
Libettiste: *** Divers • *** Revue •  
Metteur en scène: George White •  
Avec: Newton Alexander, Lester Allen, Violet Anderson, Richard Bold, Margaret Breen, Louise Brooks, Mary Carlson, Katherine Chapman, Norma Cloos, Dolores Costello, H. Costello, Jean Cullen, Fay Culmer, Jean Darling, Nina De Marco, Tony De Marco, Peggy Dolan, Hazel Donnelly, Elm City Four, Dorothy Fenron, Viola Griffith, Helen Hudson, Mildred Klaw, Harry Lang, Muriel LeCount, Georgia Lerch, Thea Lightner, Winnie Lightner, Mildred Lunnay, Fred Lyons, Will Mahoney, Edith Nash, Florence O'Neill, Tom Patricola, Tom Ross, Bee Savage, Clara Scott, Jean Scott, Dorothy Sebastian, Sally Starr, Olive Vaughan, Marga Waldron, Alice Weaver, Alice White, Ruth Wilcox, Alice Wilkie, Williams Sisters 

Commentaire: Music by George Gershwin; Book by George White and William K. Wells; Lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Ballard MacDonald; Additional music by Sam Gould, Charlie Winston, Lew Pollack and Will Mahoney; Musical Director: William Daly; Music orchestrated by Maurice DePackh  (plus) 


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2) Daffy Dill (Original)

Joué durant  2 mois

Nb de représentations: 71 représentations
Première preview: 22 August 1922
Première: 22 August 1922
Dernière: 21 October 1922

Compositeur: Herbert Stothart •  
Parolier: Oscar Hammerstein II •  
Libettiste: Guy Bolton • Oscar Hammerstein II •  
Metteur en scène: Julian Mitchell •  
Avec: Marion Sunshine (Estelle), Genevieve Markam (Teacher), Irene Olsen (Lucy Brown), Ben Mulvey (School Inspector), Frank Tinney (Himself), Harry Mayo (Dan Brown), Guy Robertson (Kenneth Hobson), Jacquelyn Hunter (Lucy’s Grandmother in 1867), Lynne Berry (Lucy’s Grandfather in 1867), Imogene Wilson (Lucy’s Mother in 1899), Rollin Grimes (Harry Jones), Georgia O’Ramey (Gertie); Specialty Dancers: Frances Grant and Ted Wing; Mary Haun and Galdino Sedano; Margaret and Elizabeth Keene; Frederick Renoff; Ladies of the Ensemble: Jacqueline Hunter, Bernice Ackerman, Peggy Stohl, Grace LaRue, Fern Oakley, Violet Lobel, Imogene Wilson, Irene Anderson, Violet Andrews, Jessie Howe, Marjorie Clements, Grace Culbert, Marion Philips, Genevieve Markam (possibly Markham), Yvette DuBoise, Beatrice O’Connor, Ethel Kinley, Joane Warner, Carolyn Maywood, Eleanor Dell; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: Lynne Berry, Charles Townsend, Harry Rocca, Harry Miller, Alfred Milano, Victor Kenfield, Mar- ius Rogate, Samuel Vean 



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1) Jimmie (Original)

Joué durant  1 mois 4 semaines

Nb de représentations: 71 représentations
Première preview: 17 November 1920
Première: 17 November 1920
Dernière: 15 January 1921

Compositeur: Herbert Stothart •  
Parolier: Oscar Hammerstein II • Otto Harbach •  
Libettiste: Frank Mandel • Oscar Hammerstein II • Otto Harbach •  
Metteur en scène: Oscar Eagle •  
Avec: Paul Porcasi (Vincenzo Carlotti), Dee Loretta (Madame Gambetti), Hattie Burks (Beatrice), Frances White (Jimmie), Don Burroughs (Tom O’Brien), Harry Delf (Milton Blum), Howard Truesdale (Jerry O’Brien), Ben Welch (Jacob Blum), Tom O’Hare (Watkins), Rita Owin (A Dancer), Irwin Rossa (A Violinist), Peter Mott (Peters), Raymond Oswald (Henri), Jack Heisler (Giuseppi), George Clifford (Antonio), Betty Marshall (Wanda Holmes), Mary Jane (Rose), Helen Neff (Henrietta), Tess Mayer (Blanche); Ensemble: Jessie Lorraine, Edna Fenton, Geraldine Bernhardt, Laura Maverick, Mary Jane, Helen Neff, Tess Mayer, Lottie Graham, Evelyn Palmer, Adelaide Starr, Dorothy Gilbert, Frances Lawrence, Marjorie Flynn 



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