The Scottsboro Boys s’inspire, en prenant quelques libertés, de l’histoire vraie d’une calamité judiciaire dans laquelle neuf hommes noirs furent jugés en Alabama en 1931 pour le viol de deux femmes blanches sur la foi de témoignages pour le moins bancals. Huit furent condamnés à mort ; le neuvième avait treize ans (mais il ne se trouva qu’un seul juré pour ne pas voter la peine de mort !). Il s’ensuivit une épopée politico-judiciaire de près de vingt ans qui vit s’enchaîner les procès, les appels, deux passages par la Cour Suprême des États-Unis, etc. Certains des “Scottsboro Boys” finirent par être remis en liberté. Tous laissèrent leur vie au moins symboliquement dans cette histoire à défaut de la perdre sur la chaise électrique.
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Scottsboro Boys (The)
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Scottsboro Boys (The)

Version 1
Scottsboro Boys (The) (2010-03-Vineyard theatre-Off Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Vineyard Theatre (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : 12 February 2010
Première: 10 March 2010
Dernière: 18 April 2010Mise en scène : Susan Stroman • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 2
Scottsboro Boys (The) (2010-07-Guthrie Theatre-Minneapolis)
Type de série: Pre-Broasway Try OutThéâtre: Guthrie Theatre (Minneapolis - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 31 July 2010
Dernière: 25 September 2010Mise en scène : Susan Stroman • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 3
Scottsboro Boys (The) (2010-07-Lyceum Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Original BroadwayThéâtre: Lyceum Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 29 previews - 49 représentationsPremière Preview : 07 October 2010
Première: 31 October 2010
Dernière: 12 December 2010Mise en scène : Susan Stroman • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires longs: 30 protestors from The Freedom Party, a black and Latino political group concerned about historical marginalization and racism, protested the show at the Lyceum Theatre on 11/6/2010. "This racist play has reduced the tragedy of the Scottsboro Boys case to a Step n Fetchit comedic, minstrel exhibition," according to a statement from the group. "It is this type of attack on our culture and history which makes the Freedom Party absolutely necessary." / The closing night performance was interrupted repeatedly by thunderous applause. Before the performance started, composer John Kander received a standing ovation when he entered the auditorium.

Version 4
Scottsboro Boys (The) (2013-10-Main Stage-Young Vic-London)
Type de série: Original EuropeThéâtre: Young Vic Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Main StageDurée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 18 October 2013
Première: 29 October 2013
Dernière: 23 December 2013Mise en scène : Susan Stroman • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Colman Domingo (Mr. Bones), Forrest McClendon (Mr. Tambo), Christian Dante-White (Charles Weems), Clinton Roane (Roy Wright), Julian Glover (The Interlocutor), Dawn Hope (The Lady), Adebayo Bolaji (Clarence Norris), Carl Spencer (Andy Wright) , Martin Bishop, Susan Reynolds, Jordan ShawCommentaires : Au départ jusqu'au 23 novembre. Vu le succès, prolongé jusqu'au 21 décembre.Presse : "The production knocked me for six. I couldn’t speak as I sat in my seat, weeping, furious at the injustices those nine young boys had endured. One of the most stunning pieces of theatre I have ever seen"
Baz Bamigboye, Daily Mail (22/2/13)
"A thrillingly inventive and entertaining night at the theatre. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be moved... Kander and Ebb have given American musical theatre an undisputable, stone-cold classic"
New York Post
"The best new musical of the year. Stunning! Grade A"
Entertainment Weekly
"Adventurous & dynamic. Directed and choreographed with dazzling verve by Susan Stroman, who offers some of her most vibrant work since The Producers"
New York Times
"Smashing and shocking! Kander & Ebb's valedictory musical. The story is wrenching and the songs rank with their most gorgeous"
"Provocative, chilling and refreshing. This one is right up there with Cabaret and Chicago. Susan Stroman deliverys her most creative and effective work in years"
"Dazzling, chilling and arresting. This bold musical keeps you tapping your feet while it socks you with an emotional punch to the gut"
Hollywood Reporter
"Pioneering. Susan Stroman's staging is mesmerizing"
Los Angeles Times

Version 5
Scottsboro Boys (The) (2014-10-Garrick Theatre-London)
Type de série: West End TransferThéâtre: Garrick Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 4 mois Nombre : Première Preview : 04 October 2014
Première: 24 October 2014
Dernière: 21 February 2015Mise en scène : Susan Stroman • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Brandon Victor Dixon (Haywood Patterson), Colman Domingo (Mr Bones), Forrest McClendon (Mr Tambo), James T Lane (Ozie Powell), Julian Glover (The Interlocutor), Dawn Hope, Dex Lee, Rohan Pinnock-Hamilton, Richard Pitt, Emile Ruddock and Carl SpencerCommentaires : Transfert dans le West End de la version jouée au Young Vic.Presse : "The score doesn’t have the earworm catchiness of Kander and Ebb’s best shows, and dazzles more than it delights. But this is a genuinely radical musical, full of stinging indignation and plaintive power." Lyn Gardner for The Guardian
"Audacious and troubling, it is delivered with brilliant precision here. Tap-dancing through a number about the electric chair, harmonising in a spiritual that slips in a line about lynching, the cast perform with tremendous verve and handle Stroman’s choreography with split-second timing." Sarah Hemming for The Financial Times
"This is a hurtling journey into hell; I urge you to buy a ticket. John Kander and Fred Ebb’s 2010 musical, seen at the Young Vic last year, is a shocking experience — the more so because it is also irresistibly entertaining." Sam Marlowe for The Times
"The music is magnificent, a stirring, period-specific mixture of gospel, jazz and vaudeville. The plaintive lament Go Back Home is especially memorable, but on the whole the songs are jovial and up-tempo in a deliberate undercutting of the seriousness of the storyline." Fiona Mountford for The Evening Standard
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