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0001 - Babes in Toyland (1903)
Musique: Victor Herbert
Paroles: Glen MacDonough
Livret: Glen MacDonough
Production originale: Fred R. Hamlin • Julian Mitchell
4 versions mentionnées
Dispo: Résumé  Synopsis  Génèse  Liste chansons  

La production originale débute au Grand Opera de Chicago en juin 1903, produite par Hamlin et mise en scène par Mitchell, et fait des tournées dans plusieurs villes de la côte Est avant d’ouvrir ses portes à New York en octobre 1903. Cette création a été suivie par une belle tournée et de revivals. La pièce était si populaire qu’elle a suscité la création d'autres "contes de fées" dans la décennie qui a suivi.

Genèse: After a three-month tryout beginning on June 17, 1903 at the Grand Opera House in Chicago, followed by a tour to several East Coast cities, the original New York production opened on October 13, 1903 at the Majestic Theatre at Columbus Circle in Manhattan (where The Wizard of Oz had played) and closed after 192 performances on March 19, 1904. It was produced by Fred R. Hamlin and directed by Julian Mitchell. Large audiences were drawn to the musical by the spectacular settings and opulent sets (e.g., the Floral Palace of the Moth Queen, the Garden of Contrary Mary) of Toyland. The sets were designed by John H. Young and Homer Emens, with costumes designed by Caroline Siedle. In September 1904, two tours went on the road. The first-class one played a three-week return engagement beginning on January 2, 1905 at the Majestic, and then continuing its tour, kept the scenic effects and much of the original cast, making stops in major cities for extended periods of time. The second-class tour with a reduced cast and orchestra was streamlined for short stays on the road. The operetta has been staged nine times at The Muny, beginning in 1920. A Broadway revival opened on December 23, 1929 at Jolson's 59th Street Theatre, closing on January 11, 1930. It was directed by Milton Aborn. Another Broadway revival opened on December 20, 1930 at the Imperial Theatre, closing in January 1931. It was directed by Aborn and choreographed by Virginie Mauret. A new book and lyrics for the show were written for the off-Broadway Light Opera of Manhattan (LOOM) in 1975 by Alice Hammerstein Mathias (the daughter of Oscar Hammerstein II) and the company's director-producer William Mount-Burke. LOOM played this operetta as a Christmas show for six to eight weeks each year thereafter for 13 seasons with considerable success, and this version of the book and lyrics has since been used by various companies, including Troupe America and others. The ensemble becomes a mechanical militia of toys for the "March of the Toys", and children from the audience are brought up to help "wind-up" the toy dancers. In 2003, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the operetta, Hampton, Virginia–based Rainbow Puppet Productions created a touring puppet version of the show entitled "Toyland!" The new script was adapted by David Messick Jr. Prerecorded puppet voices were created, featuring Mickey Rooney as the Master Toymaker and his wife Jan Rooney as Mother Goose. The program has toured annually since that time. In this version, Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, and her evil Uncle Barnaby is to blame. She travels through the Spider Forest to seek help from the kind Master Toymaker.

Résumé: Alan et sa sœur, Jane, fuient leur terrible oncle Barnaby et rencontre une variété de personnages imaginés par Mother Goose, dont Contrary Mary et Tom-Tom the Piper’s Son. Ils survivent à un naufrage et voyagent vers des terres lointaines, y compris le célèbre 'Toyland' où ils rencontrent un fabricant de jouets et admirent un spectacle de Noël.

Création: 13/10/1903 - Majestic Theatre (Broadway) - 192 représ.

Version 1

A Parisian Model (1906-11-Broadway Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Broadway Theatre (1445 Bway) (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 7 mois
Nombre : 179 représentations
Première Preview : Tuesday 27 November 1906
Première : Tuesday 27 November 1906
Dernière : Saturday 29 June 1907
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Customers at Callot’s: Edith Daniell (Marcelle), Grace Leigh (Paulette), Grace Russell (Suzanne), Adelaide Orton (Therese), Phyllis Grey (Fleurette), Janet Burton (Adrienne), Aurora Piatt (Helene), Ada St. Clair (Jeanette), Dorothy Waldron (Heloise), and Mabel Spencer (Hortense); Edouard Durand (Callot), Truly Shattuck (Violette), F. Stanton Heck (Hercule), Charles A. Bigelow (Silas Goldfinch), Ethel Gilmore (Fifine), Madlyn Summers (Titine), Anna Held (Anna), James H. Bradbury (Carver Stone), Henri Leoni (Julien de Marsay), Adele Carson (Celeste); The Grand Prix Girls: Grace Leigh (Fanchonette), Phyllis Grey (Denise), Janet Burton (Georgette), Aurora Piatt (Francine), Edith Daniell (Diane), Mabel Spencer (Claudine), Dorothy Waldron (Josie), and Adelaide Orton (Marie); Mabella Baker (Mrs. Silas Goldfinch), Gertrude Hoffmann (Colombe), Adelaide Orton (Adele), and Edith Daniell (Marie); Collectors of Money and Oil Paintings: G. B. Scott (Mr. Moregain), Charles Hessong (Mr. Rathskeller), W. J. Ford (Mr. Corner-gie), John Abbott (Mr. New Depot), William James (Mr. Rates), C. M. Brooks (Mr. Shark), John Roche (Mr. Keno), and Carl Morgan (Mr. Quick); Lew Quinn (Director of the “Palais de Patinage”), Earle Reynolds (El Rio Rey), Bertha Mack (Jeanne); Ensemble: Marjorie Bonner, Libbie Diamond, Julia Eastman, Ethel Gilmore, Jessie Howe, Madelaine (possibly Madlyn) Summers, Gertrude Thayer, Edith Warner, G. Conklin, Dorothy Bertrand, B. Hoffman, I. Howe, L. Marion, E. Marsh, C. Rodgers; Messrs. MacKinley, Books, W. J. Ford, Charles Hessong, John Roche, and G. B. Scott
Commentaires : Au cours de sa chanson « A Gown for Each Hour of the Day », Anna Held (dans ce que le Times décrit comme sa « garde-robe illimitée ») changeait de costume huit fois pour chacun des différents couplets de la chanson, et Darnton a noté que pour chaque changement « un écran de filles de l'ensemble » protégeait les « convenances » quand Held se glissait derrière elles et changeait de robe (la séquence semble avoir troublé les critiques parce qu’ils étaient en désaccord sur le nombre de versets et de changements, qui, selon la source allait de cinq à sept à huit en nombre).

Version 2

A Parisian Model (1908-01-Broadway Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Return Engagement
Théâtre: Broadway Theatre (1445 Bway) (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 semaines
Nombre : 21 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 06 January 1908
Première : Monday 06 January 1908
Dernière : Saturday 25 January 1908
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :

Version 3

Daffy Dill (1922-08-Apollo Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Apollo Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois
Nombre : 71 représentations
Première Preview : Tuesday 22 August 1922
Première : Tuesday 22 August 1922
Dernière : Saturday 21 October 1922
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Marion Sunshine (Estelle), Genevieve Markam (Teacher), Irene Olsen (Lucy Brown), Ben Mulvey (School Inspector), Frank Tinney (Himself), Harry Mayo (Dan Brown), Guy Robertson (Kenneth Hobson), Jacquelyn Hunter (Lucy’s Grandmother in 1867), Lynne Berry (Lucy’s Grandfather in 1867), Imogene Wilson (Lucy’s Mother in 1899), Rollin Grimes (Harry Jones), Georgia O’Ramey (Gertie); Specialty Dancers: Frances Grant and Ted Wing; Mary Haun and Galdino Sedano; Margaret and Elizabeth Keene; Frederick Renoff; Ladies of the Ensemble: Jacqueline Hunter, Bernice Ackerman, Peggy Stohl, Grace LaRue, Fern Oakley, Violet Lobel, Imogene Wilson, Irene Anderson, Violet Andrews, Jessie Howe, Marjorie Clements, Grace Culbert, Marion Philips, Genevieve Markam (possibly Markham), Yvette DuBoise, Beatrice O’Connor, Ethel Kinley, Joane Warner, Carolyn Maywood, Eleanor Dell; Gentlemen of the Ensemble: Lynne Berry, Charles Townsend, Harry Rocca, Harry Miller, Alfred Milano, Victor Kenfield, Mar- ius Rogate, Samuel Vean

Version 4

Fiddle-dee-dee (1900-09-Weber and Fields' Broadway Music Hall-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Weber's Music Hall (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre : 262 représentations
Première Preview : Thursday 01 January 1970
Première : Thursday 01 January 1970
Dernière : Thursday 01 January 1970
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : Lew M. Fields • Joe Weber
Avec :
George Ali (Leo), Eva Allen (Ensemble), Josephine Allen (Fantine), Merrie Andrews (Ensemble), Cora Appleby (Ensemble), Florence Bell (Ensemble), Gladys Canby (Ensemble), Bessie Clayton (Specialty Dancer), Florence Deshone (Ensemble), Genevieve Dolaro (Asbury Sands), Florence Dressler (Fourchette), Blondie Dyer (Ensemble), Marie Early (Ensemble), Lotta Fellows (Ensemble), Lew M. Fields (Rudolf Bungstarter), Mazie Follette (Fandango), Virginia Foltz (Budd Carmichael, Basbleu), Charles Fostelle (Birdie McSorley), Olive Green (Ensemble), Dappy Grey (J. Withers Belton), Ben Hapgood (Ingambe), Lillian Heckler (Wilton Warmington), Leona Hilbon (Dodge Carr, Duryea Starchleigh), DeWolf Hopper (Hoffman Barr), Violet Jewell (Ensemble, Seguedilla), John T. Kelly (Ignatius McSorley), May Kissam (Ensemble), Phyllis La Fond (Bolero, Ensemble), Bonnie Maginn (Mariette, Nestor Puffer), May McKenzie (Cinqcentime), Goldie Mohr (Nervie Tartington, Charley Horseleigh), Harold T. Morey (Pourboire), May Page (Ensemble), Grace Pierrepont (Ensemble, Garta), Ilma Pratt (Ensemble, Torchon), Inez Ray (Ensemble), Jessie Richmond (Madison Parks), Belle Robinson (Googoo, Cachuca), Lillian Russell (Mrs. Waldorf Meadowbrook), Dottie Ryder (Ensemble), Margaret Sayer (Bilkarine), Clara Selden (Ensemble), Mae Sherwood (Sterling Kane, Ensemble), Myra Smith (Allez), Georgia Stewart (Ensemble), Nata Stromberg (Forrest Holmes), Fay Templeton (La Belle Zara), Poney Upton (Ensemble), Irene Vera (Frizette), Vernie Wadsworth (Claremont Riverside), Carrie Waite (Ensemble), Mazie Walzinger (Ensemble), David Warfield (Shadrach Leschinski), Joseph M. Weber (Michael Krautknuckle), Rhoda Wheeler (Ensemble), Carrie Willis (Valencienne)

Madge Adae (Chorus), George Ali (Ham Song), Eva Allen (Chorus), Nettie Barton (Chorus), Florence Bell (Pupa Chihuahua), Edna Birch (Chorus), Lew M. Fields (Sergeant Killer), Mazie Follette (Cherokee Kid), Virginia Foltz (Lieutenant Frolic), Charles Fostelle (Mrs. Cannedbeef), Mamie Gould (Chorus), Dappy Grey (Chorus), Grace Heckler (Chorus), Lillian Heckler (Chorus), Leona Hilbon (Montezuma Matt), DeWolf Hopper (Henry Cannedbeef), Violet Jewell (Hi Roper), Ethel Jewett (Chorus), John T. Kelly (Colonel Bunjam), Phyllis La Fond (Lariat Luke), Bonnie Maginn (Lieutenant Stung), Carrie May (Antonia Alamo), May McKenzie (Juan Sombrero), Goldie Mohr (Alkali Bill), Harold T. Morey (Doctor Felon), Grace Pierrepont (Apache Charley), Ilma Pratt (Miss MacCrullers), Jessie Richmond (Chorus), Belle Robinson (El Paseo Pete), Charles J. Ross (Lieutenant Tention), Lillian Russell (Sarsaparilla), Margaret Sayer (Buck Saddler), Mae Sherwood (Pop Gunner), Myra Smith (Durango Colorado), Georgia Stewart (Chiaca Tamale), Fay Templeton (Bonita), Vernie Wadsworth (Chorus), David Warfield (Captain Hogman), George P. Watson (Pony Mustango), Joseph M. Weber (Lena Killer)

Exhibit II
Madge Adae (Lady Westbury), George Ali (Tipit), Alice Curtis (Cortland), Genevieve Dolaro (Charley Horseleigh), Lew M. Fields (Rudolf Bungstarter), Virginia Foltz (Madison Parks), Minnie Garretty (Bleeker), Sissie Garretty (Essex), Allie Gilbert (Dossie, Miss Emery), Mamie Gould (Chilton), Dappy Grey (Claremont Riverside), Ben Hapgood (Ingambe), Grace Heckler (Hammersley), Lillian Heckler (Miss Cutter), Leona Hilbon (Dodge Carr), DeWolf Hopper (The Gay Lord Quex), Violet Jewell (Miss Rosaline), John T. Kelly (Ignatius McSorley), Bonnie Maginn (Flossie, Baron Holdfaste), May McKenzie (Asbury Sands), Harold T. Morey (Pourboire), Grace Pierrepont (Lady Syosset), Ilma Pratt (Miss Brummell), Inez Ray (Lady Lowbridge), Jessie Richmond (Lady Hempstead), Belle Robinson (Bossie, Miss Fyles), Ruth Rollins (Miss Towle), Lillian Russell (Mrs. Meadowbrook), Margaret Sayer (Duchess of Prude), Mae Sherwood (Sterling Kane), Fay Templeton (Sophy Fullgally), Irene Vera (Countess of Elmhurst), Vernie Wadsworth (Chomondley), David Warfield (Shadrach Leschinski), Joseph M. Weber (Michael Krautknuckle), Fritz Williams (Prince Victor Constasntine)

Version 5

Fortune Teller (The) (1898-09-Wallack's Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Wallack's Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre : 40 représentations
Première Preview : Thursday 01 January 1970
Première : Thursday 01 January 1970
Dernière : Thursday 01 January 1970
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :

Version 6

Helter Skelter (1899-05-Weber and Fields' Broadway Music Hall-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Weber's Music Hall (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée :
Nombre : 56 représentations
Première Preview : Thursday 01 January 1970
Première : Thursday 01 January 1970
Dernière : Thursday 01 January 1970
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : Lew Fields • Joe Weber
Avec : Josephine Allen (Lady Shaggy Shetland), Frankie Bailey (Lord Qualmy), Bessie Clayton (Dance Specialty), Peter F. Dailey (Conby Frontrow, Bernard Fewbrains), Helen Dunbar (Lord Panorama), May Edwards (Hammersley, Maid), Mabel Fenton (Zaza), Lew M. Fields (Moritz Longman), Richard Garnella (Toto), Allie Gilbert (Lady Mildew), Lee Harrison (Smalley Gimlett), John T. Kelly (Branigan Sudsby), Bonnie Maginn (Bilkington), Minnie Poore (Madame Rummy), M. Renner (Marquis de Gripsacke), Belle Robinson (Alice Moral), Charles J. Ross (Lord Shaggy Shetland), Josie Sadler (Little Bo-Peep), Fay Templeton (Mrs. Brannigan Sudsby), David Warfield (Isidore Nosenstein), Joseph Weber (Ikay Shortman), Rose Leslie (Ensemble), Florence Martin (Marie Louise de Bouvray), Minnie Martin (Ensemble), Maxie McDonald (Fanchette), Frank Meyrose (Ensemble), William Nau (Ensemble), Robert Newman (Ensemble), Dolores Parquette (Ensemble), Homer Potts (Ensemble), Ethel Robbins (Ensemble), Jack Rose (Ensemble), Harold Russell (Ensemble), Fritzi Scheff (Fifi), Lillian Smith (Ensemble), Dorothy St. Clair (Ensemble), Marguerite St. Clair (Ensemble), Karl Stall (Lieut. Rene La Motte), Margaret Vinton (Ensemble), Leo White (Gaston), Charles Williams (Ensemble), Peggy Wood (Nanette)

Version 7

Hoity Toity (1901-09-Weber and Fields' Broadway Music Hall-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Weber's Music Hall (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 mois
Nombre : 259 représentations
Première Preview : Thursday 01 January 1970
Première : Thursday 01 January 1970
Dernière : Saturday 19 April 1902
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : Lew M. Fields • Joe Weber
Avec : DeWolf Hopper (General Steele), Fritz Williams (Harvard Yale), Joe Weber (Philip Sauerbraten), Lew Fields (Herman Kaffekucken), Sam Bernard (Frederich Schnitzel), John T. Kelly (King Kazoo), Lee Harrison (Reuben Hunter), George Ali (Baron Barbon), May McKenzie (Canby Hurd), Edna Birch (Rufe Rayser), Genevieve Dolaro (Tony Singer), Carrie Bowman (Cord Barber), Lillian Russell (Lady Grafter), Fay Templeton (Cho Cho San), Bonnie Maginn (Sprite, Zuzuki), Mayme Gehrue (Petrolia), Goldie Mohr (Glucosa), Belle Robinson (Nicotina), Estelle Moyer (Coffeea; Nagasaki), Gertie Moyer (Cornea; Ki Owta), Margaret Sayres (Fifi Rougepaynt; Battersea Parks), Myra Smith (Kensington Earlscourt), Mae Sherwood (Grosvenor Rhodes, Dodge Chapelle), Eva Allen (Paddington Harrow), Kathryn Howland (Cecil Langham), Virginia Foltz (Scorchleigh), Vernie Wadsworth (Flitterly), Florence Dressler (Singeton), Mona Desmond (Burnsby), Elizabeth Young (Mothmiller), Grace Heckler (Kloy Sonay), Lillian Heckler (Shaki Fan), Annie Miller (Chu Chu Gum), Madge Adea (Albia), Inez Ray (Tokia), May Bradley (Viennanetta), Dora Senac (Parisetta), Pauline Bradley (Sevilla), Ilma Pratt (Bosphora), Natta Stromberg (Miss Freeport), L. Diamond (Cambridge Backbeigh), Ella Gilroy (Boylston Tremont), Virginia Foltz (Scheffield Schooley), Doris Mitchell (Kane Rush); Chorus

Version 8

It happened in Nordland (1904-12-Lew M. Fields Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Wallack's Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 11 mois 3 semaines
Nombre : 254 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 05 December 1904
Première : Monday 05 December 1904
Dernière : Saturday 25 November 1905
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Lew Fields (Hubert), Harry Davenport (Prince George of Nebula), Joseph Herbert (Duke of Toxen), Harry Fisher (Baron Sparta), Joseph Carroll (Captain Slivowitz), May Robson (Princess Aline), Julius Steger (Doctor Otto Blotz), Bessie Clayton (Parthenia Schmitt), Charles Gotthold (Hugo von Arnim), Billie Norton (Mayme Perkins), William Burress (Doctor Popoff; Captain Gatling), Rosemary Glosz (Duchess Helene), Frank O'Neill (Rudolf; Prince Karl), Pauline Frederick (Miss Hicks; Countess Pokota), Marie Cahill (Katherine Peepfogle), Indiola Arnold (Ethylle), Maida Athens (Vivienne), Harriet Forsythe (Sylvia), Josephine Karlin (Gladys), Susan Parker (Imogeyne), Diva Marolda (Gwendolyn), Katherine Howland (General of the Army of Nordland), Georgia Baron (Colonel of the Army of Nordland), May Leslie (Colonel of the Army of Nordland), Clara Pitt (Maid at the Baths), Grace Field (Detective Girl), Alfred Borneman (King Leopold of Belgium), Frederick Fair (King Edward of England), Walter Lindberg (Doctor Dowie), Jack Hall (Fauncey Betrue), Edmund Mortimer (Aide to Prince George), W. C. Van Brunt (Emil), Jean d'Albert (Boris), Herman Noble (Guest), Franklin Deland (Cook's Tourist Conductor), R. W. Rosemire (General), Parvin White (Waiter), George V. Dill (Corporal);
Commentaires : Lew M. Fields Theatre : 5 décembre 1904 - 29 avril 1905
Lew M. Fields Theatre : 31 août 1905 - 25 novembre 1905

Version 9

Mary (1920-10-Knickerbocker Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Knickerbocker Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 6 mois 1 semaine
Nombre : 220 représentations
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première : Monday 18 October 1920
Dernière : Saturday 23 April 1921
Mise en scène : Sam Forrest • Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : George M. Cohan
Avec : Virginia Alves (Chorus), Marion Baker (Chorus), Gordon Bennett (Chorus), Kitty Bird (Chorus), Walter BlairHarry Bolton (Chorus), Helen Borden (Chorus), Sibylla Bowhan (Golden Girl), Georgia Caine (Mrs. Keene), Harry Case (Chorus), Helen Christie (Chorus), Molly Christie (Chorus), Anna Christopher (Chorus), Muriel Cort (Chorus), Kitty Devere (Chorus), Walter Dodge (Chorus), Belle Gannon (Chorus), Alfred Gerrard (Tommy Boyd), Frederic Graham (Huggins), Edward Grant (Chorus), W. J. Hawkins (Chorus), Harold Jackson (Chorus), Helen Jackson (Chorus), Charles Judels (Gaston Marceau), Dolly King (Chorus), Helen Kling (Toddling Tessie), Si Layman (Whirlwind Willie), Lou Lockett (Two-Step Tom), James Marlowe (Mr. Goddard), Jack McGowan (Jack Keene), Lillian McNeil (Dancing Dora), Florrie Millership (Madeline Francis), Jack Neilan (Chorus), Edna Pierre (Waltzing Winnie), Agnes Purtell (Chorus), Gene Richards (Deakon), Harry Rose (Chorus), Loretta Ryan (Chorus), Ruth Sawyer (Chorus), Bert Shadow (Hotfoot Harry), Edna Stillwell (Chorus), Wesley Totton (Meakon), Janet Velie (Mary Howells)

Version 10

Miss Innocence (1908-11-New York Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: New York Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 5 mois
Nombre : 176 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 30 November 1908
Première : Monday 30 November 1908
Dernière : Saturday 01 May 1909
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie : Julian Mitchell
Producteur :
Avec : Anna Held (Anna aka Miss Innocence), Emma Janvier (Miss Sniffins; Mme. Pompignac), Edith Decker (Helen Legarde), Edith St. Claire (Claire), Charles A. Bigelow (Ezra Pettingill; Pompignac), Lawrence d’Orsay (Captain and Honorable Roland Fitzmaurice Montjoy), Leo Mars (Pierre de Brissac), Robert Paton Gibbs (The Duke of Pomerania), F. Stanton Heck (Bobo), Maurice Hegeman (The Marquis de Chabert; Schmalz; Doctor Charcot), Lillian Lorraine (Angele), Eva Francis (Loulou), Vida Whitmore (Eugenie), Virginia Marshall (Flore), Grace Rankin (Margot), May Hopkins (Diane), Lottie Vernon (Celestine), Mae Paul (Eve), Grace Washburn (Felise), Bertha Blake (Marie), Ethel Donaldson (Fleurette), Lillian Wiggins (Hortense), Edna Chase (Clairette), Mabel Snyder (Lolo), Shirley Kellogg (Ella Lee), Anna C. Wilson (Pier-rette), Marion Whitney (Maxine), Daisy Rudd (Yvonne), Edna Birch (Rita), Elise Hamilton (Carita), Ruby Lewis (Pepita), Dorothy Follies (Sadie); Spanish Dancers: Gladys Zell, Florence Walton, Blanche West, and Elise Hamilton; James Clyde (Count Maxime), Pierre Roudil (Albert; Alphonse), Dudley Oatman (Walker; Postman), Ernest Wood (Hobbes; Gendarme), Peter Swift (O’Brien), Alfred Fairbrother (Ben Hassan), Lionel Lozier (Prince Yogama), John S. Brush (Count Sergius Borodin), Charles Barry (Rastignac), Alfred Rinehart (Durand), William Gammage (Claude), Faico and La Flamencia (Spanish Dancers), Madlyn J. Summers (Premiere Danseuse), John A. Young (Sergeant), Elise Hamilton (Artist’s Model), John Wentzel (Singer); Chorus

Version 11

O'Brien Girl (The) (1921-10-Liberty Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Liberty Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 4 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 164 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 03 October 1921
Première : Monday 03 October 1921
Dernière : Saturday 18 February 1922
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Madeline Bailey (Chorus), Cecil Baisel (Chorus), Mr. Burke (Chorus), Georgia Caine (Mrs. Drexel), Sylvia CarolHazel Clements (Dickey), Mr. Cole (Chorus), M. Cunningham (Mickey), Finita DeSoria (Mrs. Hope), Kitty Devere (Minerva), Florence Doherty (Chorus), Mr. Downing (Chorus), Mr. Drake (Chorus), Mr. Ellison (Chorus), Mr. Ford (Chorus), Edwin Forsberg (Lawrence Patten), Dorothy Fuller (Chorus), Mr. Galivan (Chorus), Gretchen Grant (Estelle), Abbie Harvey (Chorus), Gertrude Healey (Chorus), Carl Hemmer (Gerald Morgan), Elizabeth Hines (Alice O'Brien), George Hurd (Owl), Lou Lesser (Eagle), Ethel Lyons (Chorus), Louise Lyons (Chorus), Kathleen Mahoney (Aline), Helen Mann (Chorus), Helen Menthe (Chorus), Marie Messier (Chorus), Henrietta Morin (Chorus), Mr. Murray (Chorus), Robinson Newbold (Humphrey Drexel), Vera O'Brien (Lucille), George Page (Bear), Melba Pelleau (Chorus), Irene Regan (Chorus), Harry Rose (Wolf), Mr. Rush (Chorus), Truman Stanley (Larry Patten), Mr. Stevens (Chorus), Andrew Tombes (Wilbur Weathersby), Alberta Tuttle (Chorus), Mr. Vaughn (Chorus), Lucille Wallace (Chorus), Ada Mae Weeks (Eloise Drexel), Betty Wilson (Chorus), Alexander Yakovleff (Joe Fox)

Version 12

Riviera Girl (The) (1917-09-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original Broadway
Théâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)

Durée : 2 mois 3 semaines
Nombre : 78 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 24 September 1917
Première : Monday 24 September 1917
Dernière : Saturday 15 December 1917
Mise en scène : Herbert Gresham
Chorégraphie : Julian Mitchell
Producteur :
Avec : Dolly Alwyn (Chorus), Wilda Bennett (Sylva Vareska), Marjorie Bentley (The Butterfly, Daisy), Arthur Burckley (Charles Lorenz), Aubrey BurtonViola Cain (Claire Ferrier), Edith Callan (Chorus), Julia Callan (Chorus), Kitty Carmen (Chorus), Mae Carmen (Lucile), Louis Casavant (Count Michael Lorenz), Adele Christy (Chorus), Edna Coigne (Chorus), Miss Cotton (Chorus), Flora Crosbie (Chorus), Juliette Day (Birdie Springer), Ethel Delmar (Babette), Florence Delmar (Julie), Nell Edwardy (Chorus), Louise Evans (The New Star), Frank Farrington (Anatole), Grace Field (Chorus), Miss Fielder (Chorus), Carl Gantvoort (Victor de Berryl), Bessie Gros (Cleo), Sam B. Hardy (Sam Springer), J. Clarence Harvey (Baron Ferrier), Miss James (Chorus), Eugene Lockhart (Gustave), J. Lowe Murphy (Paul), Miss Redding (Chorus), Miss Rentelen (Chorus), Gertrude Rial (Chorus), William Sadler (Old Rigg), Billy Vernon (Chorus), Miss Winaut (Chorus)

Version 13

Royal Vagabond (The) (1919-02-Cohan and Harris Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Sam H. Harris Theatre (Brodway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 10 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 348 previews -
Première Preview : Monday 17 February 1919
Première : Monday 17 February 1919
Dernière : Saturday 03 January 1920
Mise en scène : Sam Forrest • Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : George M. Cohan • Sam H. Harris
Avec : H. M. Arden (Ensemble), Walter Blair (Ensemble), Harry Bolton (Ensemble), Gladys Coleman (Ensemble), Betty DairFrances Demarest (Princess Violetta), Dorothy Dickson (Carlotta), Ethel Duffield (Ensemble), Mary Eaton (Rozello), Eugene Elliott (Ensemble), John Ellis (Ensemble), Grace Fisher (Princess Helena), John Goldsworthy (Colonel Ivan Peroff), Roger Gray (Marcel), Marion Grey (Ensemble), Winifred Harris (Queen of Bargravia), Jessie Howe (Ensemble), Catherine Hurst (Ensemble), Carl Hyson (Captain Dantzig), Reba Kent (Ensemble), Tessa Kosta (Anitza Chefcheck), Ainsley Lambert (Ensemble), Sadie Livermoore (Ensemble), Robinson Newbold (Professor Robert Aubrey Montague Hopkins), Walter Palm (Drodono), Marion Phillips (Ensemble), Edna Pierre (Josette), Helen Pierre (The Messenger), Frederick Santley (Prince Stephan), Louis Simon (Janku), Beatrice Swanson (Ensemble), Blanche Terrell (Ensemble), Aimee Torriani (Ensemble), Harry Walters (Ensemble), Charles Wayne (Chefcheck), Julian Winters (Sixtus), Gladys Zell (Wanda)
Commentaires : Cohan and Harris: 17 fév 1919 - 15 août 1919
Interruption par la grève de l'"Equity Strike"
Cohan and Harris: 8 sept 1919 - 3 janv 1920
Presse : "The real humor of "The Royal Vagabond", lies in the fact that its original absurd sentimentality is kept in constant view. Mr. Cohan did not make the mistake of obliterating the victim whom he set out to hold up to ridicule. A good share of the melodious score by Dr. Anselm Goetzl he retained. The threat of the mildewed plot by William Cary Duncan and Stephen Ivor-Szinney he carefully preserved. But by the irreverent process of contrasting the first with his own up-to-date syncopated numbers and puncturing the second with sophisticated comedy he evolved something that is in effect a fresh and novel style of musical comedy fun." Louis DeFoe - New York World

Version 14

Sunny (1922-09-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 an 2 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 517 représentations
Première Preview : Tuesday 22 September 1925
Première : Tuesday 22 September 1925
Dernière : Saturday 11 December 1926
Mise en scène : Hassard Short
Chorégraphie : Julian Mitchell • Fred Astaire
Producteur :
Avec : Helene Gardner (Mlle. Sadie), Charles Angelo (Bally Hoo), Paul Frawley (Tom Warren), Joseph Cawthorn (Siegfried Peters), Clifton Webb (Harold Harcourt Wendell-Wendell), Esther Howard (Sue Warren), Cliff Edwards (Sam), Marilyn Miller (Sunny Peters), Jack Donahue (Jim Deming), Mary Hay (Weenie Winters), Dorothy Francis (Marcia Manners), Pert Kelton (Magnolia), Louis Harrison (First Mate), Elmer Brown and Abner Barnhart (Ship’s Officers), James Wilson (Ship’s Captain), Jeanne Fonda (Diana Miles), Joan Clement (Millicent Smythe), Don Rowan (Groom); Specialty Dancers: Linda, and the team of Marjorie Moss and Georges Fontana; George Olsen and His Orchestra; Eight Marilyn Miller Cocktails: Peggy Soden, Leila Riley, Grace Holt, Hilda Stanley, Doris Waterworth, May Cornes, Iris Smith, and Nellie Douglas; Show Girls: Dorothy Durland, Trude Marr, Claire Hopper, Maida Palmer, Helene Gardner, Rita Glynde, Alice Brady, Pauline Hall, Anna May Dennehey, and Tatiana; Dancers: Virginia Clark, Victoria Webster, Helen Shepard, Miriam Miller, Phyllis Reynolds, Helen MacDonald, Zelletta Johnson, Collette Francey, Jet Stanley, Betty McLaughlin, Beatrice de Shaw, Christine Conniff, Marie Maxwell, Betty Darling, Pearl Bennett, Rita Royce, Marion Swords, Adelaide Robinson, Louise Stark, Katherine Frey, Elva Pomfret, Julia Lane, Lorna Sommerville, Margaret Kolloch, Vera Coburn, Laverne Lindsay, Lorraine Eason; Boys: Ward Tallman, Marshall Sullivan, William Sholar Jr., Robert Williams, Maurice Lupue, Albert Birk, Marcos de Abreau, Minard Roosa, Irving Carter, Donald Oltrash, Bill O’Donnell, Walter Fairmont, Wensley Johnston, Ray Justus, Richard Renaud, Louis Yaeckel, Gordon Clark, Roy Moore, Lee Moore, Russell Ash, Albert Royal, Bob Leroy, Eddie Graham, Don Rowen, Joe Billings, George Comtois, Fred Comtois, Ted Wenning
Commentaires : 6ème 'Longest running show' de la décennie à Broadway

Version 15

Tattooed Man (The) (1907-02-Criterion Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Criterion Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)

Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines
Nombre : 59 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 18 February 1907
Première : Monday 18 February 1907
Dernière : Monday 15 April 1907
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Frank Daniels (Omar Khayyam Jr.), William P. Carleton (Abdallah), Harry Clarke (Algy Cuffs), Nace Bonville (Hashish), George O'Donnell (Muley), Gilbert Clayton (Ali), Charles Drew (Yussuf), Herbert Waterous (The Shah of Persia), Harold Russell (A Muezzin), Sallie Fisher (Leila), Gertie Carlisle (Alma), May Vokes (Fatima), Maida Athens (Miss Vandergilt), Jessie Richmond (Miss Penn), Almeda Potter (Miss Lake-side), Lottie Vernon (Miss Beacon), Gertrude Doremus (Miss Bridge), Josephine Karlin (Miss Frisk), Jane Rogers (Miss Vine), Leila Benton (Miss Charles), Gene Cole (Miss Mint), Reina Swift (Star of Evening), Mabel Croft (Blush of Dawn), Daisy DeVere (Rose of Summer), May Field (Bird of Paradise), Edna Birch (Ahmed), Bessie Holbrook (Selim), Claudia Clark (Hassan), Jessie Carr (Canem); Chorus

Version 16

Twirly Whirly (1902-09-Weber and Fields' Broadway Music Hall-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Weber's Music Hall (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 7 mois
Nombre : 247 représentations
Première Preview : Thursday 11 September 1902
Première : Thursday 11 September 1902
Dernière : Saturday 11 April 1903
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur : Lew M. Fields • Joe Weber
Avec : William Collier (Bob Upton), Peter F. Dailey (Buck Winger), Joe Weber (Michael Schlaatz), Lew Fields (Meyer Ausgaaben), Charles A. Bigelow (Ebenezer Doolittle),
John T. Kelly (Roger McCracken), Will Archer (Hanki Panki Poo [a pet monkey]; Walker Tighe), Lillian Russell (Mrs. Stockson Bond), Fay Templeton (Signorita
Calve-Melba; Maud Moraine), Louise Allen (Mary MacPain), Bonnie Maginn (Lieutenant Connyngtower), Mabel Barrison (Henri), Estelle Moyer (Pirouetta), Gertie
Moyer (Paseula), Bessie Clayton (Specialty Dancer), Frankie Bailey (Don Carrara), Virginia Foltz (Don Muskeeta), May McKenzie (Don Guavajelli), Mabel Lynn (Don
Cheroota), Ilma Pratt (Donna Vetta), Lillian Harris (Donna Gazebo), May Leslie (Senora Andante), Anna Leslie (Senora Fricadillo), Carrie Bowman (Senora Adagio),
Annie Revere (Senor Stabbatatauro), Carolyn Fostelle (Senor Climafensa), Edna Birch (Senor Dogeaquicca), Emily Francis (Senor Runafasti), Vernie Wadsworth
(Senor Spunkiflagga), Katherine Howland (Senor Jumpigooda), Frankie Loeb (Senor Wavaraggi), Agnes Lynn (Plunkageeta), Eugenie Bashford (Pikastringa), Laura
Senac (Tremuloso), Grace Heckler (Lazilofer), Mamie Chapin (Reuben Skinner; Cunningham Goode), Elizabeth Young (Cortright Lamb), Molly Hoffman (Waldorf
Bragg), Bena Hoffman (Cummings Low), Anna Miller (Lotta Munn), Ethel Jewett (Sue Ayers), Gracie Bishop (Villa Atwater), Peggy Donaldson (Mrs. Parke Ryder), Gertrude Taylor (Mrs. Colton Stryker), Eva Allen (Nevers Ober), Lillian Diamond (Malden Mayer), Eleanor Kendall (Fuller Dewar), Eva Merrill (Jay Mariner), May Harris (Will Knott), Edith Caine (Wagner Recker), Jean Hassall (Stryker Carr), Ollie Hatfield (Tode Holmas), Winnie Siegrist (Chase Kidd)

Version 17

Wizard of Oz (The) (1902 Extravaganza) (1903-01-Majestic Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Majestic Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 8 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 293 représentations
Première Preview : Tuesday 20 January 1903
Première : Tuesday 20 January 1903
Dernière : Saturday 03 October 1903
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :

Version 18

Wizard of Oz (The) (1902 Extravaganza) (1904-03-Majestic Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Return Engagement
Théâtre: Majestic Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 an 8 mois 1 semaine
Nombre : 171 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 21 March 1904
Première : Monday 21 March 1904
Dernière : Saturday 25 November 1905
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Commentaires : Majestic Theatre (Mar 21, 1904 - May 1904)
New York Theatre (May 02, 1904 - May 21, 1904)
Academy of Music (Nov 07, 1904 - Dec 31, 1904)
Academy of Music (Oct 30, 1905 - Nov 25, 1905)

Version 19

Ziegfeld Follies of 1911 (1911-06-Jardin de Paris-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Jardin de Paris (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois 1 semaine
Nombre : 80 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 26 June 1911
Première : Monday 26 June 1911
Dernière : Saturday 02 September 1911
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Miss Abbott, Louise Aichel, Elise Belga, James B. Blyler, Arline Boley, Fanny Brice, Sid Brown, Stella Chatelaine, Ethel Clayton, Leslie Coverra, Dorothy Dalland, Katherine Daly, Tom Dingle, The Dolly Sisters, Leon Errol, Emma Gorman, Charles Hessong, W. J. Kelly, Miss LeRoy, Lillian Lorraine, Charles A. Mason, Vera Maxwell, Bessie McCoy, Ann Meredith, Miss Mitchell, Clara Palmer, Walter Percival, Kathryn Perry, Miss Richmond, Eleanor St. Clair, Peter Swift, Mona Trieste, Lottie Vernon, Harry Watson, Jr., George White, Bert Williams

Version 20

Ziegfeld Follies of 1912 (1912-10-Loew's New York-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Loew's New York (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 88 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 21 October 1912
Première : Monday 21 October 1912
Dernière : Saturday 04 January 1913
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Ida Adams, Beatrice Allen, Marie Baxter, Evelyn Carlton, Eleanore Christy, Zaina Curzon, Natalie Dagwell, The Dolly Sisters, Grace DuBoise, Leon Errol, Bessie Fennell, Charles Gilmore, Dorothy Godfrey, Bernard Granville, Marion Hale, Elise Hamilton, Flo Hart, Olga Hempstone, Lola Hilton, Madeline Howard, Charles Judels, Adele La Pierre, William LeBrun, Frances Leslie, May Leslie, Hazel Lewis, Jessie Lewis, Ruby Lewis, Lillian Lorraine, Harry Luck, Vivian MacDonald, Vera Maxwell, Margaret Morris, Catheryn Peters, Murray Queen, Josie Sadler, Ray Samuels, Clifford Saum, Max Scheck, John G Schrode, Charles Scribner, Katheryn Smyth, Eleanor St. Claire, Peter Swift, Daisy Virginia, Ella Warner, Jane Warrington, Harry Watson, Bert Williams, Fred Woodward

Version 21

Ziegfeld Follies of 1913 (1913-06-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois 3 semaines
Nombre : 108 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 16 June 1913
Première : Monday 16 June 1913
Dernière : Saturday 06 September 1913
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Jean Barnette, Miss Beverly, Miss Bowman, Elizabeth Brice, Martin Brown, Evelyn Carlton, May Carmen, Stella Chatelaine, Eleanore Christy, Jose Collins, Miss Cooke, Jean Crane, Jessie Crane, Katherine Daly, Miss Day, Rose Dolly, Bernard Dyllyn, Leon Errol, Miss Gabrielle, Charles Gilmore, Bessie Gros, Elsie Hamilton, Josephine Harriman, Miss Hennessy, Lola Hilton, Miss Howe, Ethel Amorita Kelley, Adele La Pierre, William LeBrun, May Leslie, Hazel Lewis, Jessie Lewis, Ruby Lewis, Ian Maclaren, Miss Marsden, Margaret Morris, Florence Nugent Jerome, Ann Pennington, Charles Purdy, Murray Queen, Max Sheck, Miss St. Clair, Peter Swift, Miss Thompson, Frank Tinney, Lottie Vernon, Daisy Virginia, Miss Wardell, Bunny Wendell, Nat M. Wills, Arthur Woodley, Ernest Woods, Flora Zabelle

Version 22

Ziegfeld Follies of 1924 (1924-06-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 8 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 295 représentations
Première Preview : Tuesday 24 June 1924
Première : Tuesday 24 June 1924
Dernière : Saturday 07 March 1925
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Bernice Ackerman, Miss Andrea, Lina Basquette, Marian Benda, Miss Boatwright, Arthur Brown, Dorothy Brown, Catherine Burke, Miss Byron, Miss Calame, Cynthia Cambridge, Louise Carlton, Mae Daw, Gloria Dawn, Alma Drange, Giole Eller, Helen Ellsworth, Hilda Ferguson, Irving Fisher, Miss Francis, Evelyn Goodwin, Beryl Halley, Lorette Hurley, Alf James, Miss Johnson, Mary Julian, Kelo Brothers, Dorothy Knapp, Frank Lambert, Lupino Lane, Evelyn Law, Edna Leedom, Marjorie Leet, Dorothy Leet, Tom Lewis, Miss Littlefield, Doris Lloyd, Gladys Loftus, Martha Lorber, Miss Martin, Miss McDonald, Miss McGee, Constance McLaughlin, Mitty and Tillio, Polly Nally, Al Ochs, George Olsen's Band, Ann Pennington, Serge Pernikoff, Martha Pierre, Miss Rasche, Anastasia Reilly, Francis Reveaux, Will Rogers, Russian Lilliputians, Phil Ryley, Vivienne Segal, Jack Shannon, Miss Sheldon, Mark Truscott, Brandon Tynan, Anthony Warde, Miss Wildo, Cricket Wooten

Version 23

Ziegfeld Follies of 1925 (1925-07-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 mois 2 semaines
Nombre : 88 représentations
Première Preview : Monday 06 July 1925
Première : Monday 06 July 1925
Dernière : Saturday 19 September 1925
Mise en scène : Julian Mitchell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Avec : Lina Basquette, Bertha Belmore, Marion Benda, Louise Brooks, Katherine Burke, Cynthia Cambridge, Elise Cavanna, Elsie Cavanna, Chaz Chase, Bob Chase, Harriet Chetwynd, Dare and Wahl, Ray Dooley, Alma Drange, Peggy Fears, Hilda Ferguson, W.C. Fields, Irving Fisher, Norma Forrest, Noel Francis, Evelyn Goodwin, Beryl Halley, Al Hardy, Helen Henderson, Marion Hurley, Naomi Johnson, Kelo Brothers, Flo Kennedy, Dorothy Knapp, Frank Lambert, Edna Leedom, Marjorie Leet, Doris Lloyd, Gladys Loftus, Helen MacFadden, Tommy Mack, Virginia Magee, Gertrude Michaels, Mary Mulhern, Barbara Newberry, Clarence Nordstrom, Al Ochs, George Olsen's Band, Frances Reveaux, Will Rogers, Adelaide Seaman, Vivienne Segal, Jack Shannon, Ethel Shutta, Dave Stamper, Bobby Storey, Mark Truscott, Brandon Tynan, Vangie Valentine, Dorothy Van Alst, Cricket Wooten