Astoria Theatre
Londres - Angleterre

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8) Lennon - A legend reborn (Original)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 11 February 1985
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Bob Eaton •
Avec: Mark McGann (John Lennon), Jonathan Barlow, Ian Bums, Martyn Ellis, Mick O'Connor
Commentaire: Bob Eaton’s biographical version of the Lennon story was first launched in Liverpool in 1981, soon after the murder of John Lennon in New York. The production eventually transferred to the Astoria Theatre in London where it had a successful run, with Mark McGann being nominated for an Olivier Award for his performance. The show was prevented from any further productions when the rights were revoked after Michael Jackson acquired the Beatles back catalogue. Following the death of Jackson, permission was given for a revival in Liverpool in 2010. During the run Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon visited London and went to see the show, and after the show met up with the cast and Julian Lennon.
Le show s'est joué durant 8 mois, et c'est le dernier à avoir (plus)
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7) Hired Man (The) (Original)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 164 représentations
Première preview: 31 October 1984
Première: 31 October 1984
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Howard Goodall •
Parolier: Melvyn Bragg •
Libettiste: Melvyn Bragg •
Metteur en scène: David Gilmore •
Chorégraphe: Anthony Van Laast •
Avec: Paul Clarkson {John), Julia Hills (Emily), Richard Walsh (Jackson), Billy Hartman (TedBlacklock), Gerard Doyle (Seth), Clare Burt (May)
Commentaire: Une production d'Andrew Lloyd Webber!!!
Although the work was felt to be a bit "preachy" and political, it was considered worthy, though not likely to be a popular draw.
The Hired Man was awarded the Ivor Novello Award for Best Musical, earned four Olivier Award nominations, and was voted Best Musical of the Year by the critics of Time Out, The Guardian, Punch & The Stage. (plus)
Presse: "... a bracing, rugged and exhilarating adaptation of Bragg's novel ... splendidly original music ... a magnificent British achievement." Time Out
"... hewing his (Goodall) musical line from Britain's choral traditions with an audacity that is at once thrilling and fearful..." City Limits
"Howard Goodall's score is one of the finest I have heard in a British musical in years." Guardian
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6) Jukebox (Original)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 172 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 14 July 1983
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Steve Merritt •
Chorégraphe: Steve Merritt •
Avec: Allan Love, Donna Louise, Daliah Wood, Mark Tyme, Rosemarie Ford
Commentaire: An evening of song and dance featuring hot hits from the 1950s onwards - 67 different songs were listed in the programme, with a cast of 22 and an orchestra of 14 players - this was a concert rather than a musical. (plus)
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West End Transfer
5) Yakety Yak (West End Transfer)
Joué durant
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 18 January 1983
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Robert Walker •
Chorégraphe: Lynne Hockney •
Avec: Paul McGann (Danny), Steve McGann (Bo), Joe McGann (Joe), Griff Fender, Pikey Butler, Rita Ray, Duncan Kerr, Natalie Ogle, Nosmo King, Jimmy Compton, Mark McGann, Kenny Andrews
Commentaire: With hardly any plot worry about, but excellent performances and the successful band known as “The Darts”, this was a great night’s entertainment for lovers of early rock’n’roll. The three brothers were played by three genuine brothers. The show underwent some re-writing and some minor re-casting for the transfer to the Astoria. Remarkably the cast was increased with yet another McGann brother - Mark McGann - and all four brothers were much praised for their acting and singing. (plus)
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Original London
4) Wild Wild Women (Original London)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 29 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 15 June 1982
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: *** Divers •
Parolier: *** Divers •
Libettiste: *** Divers •
Metteur en scène: Michael Richmond •
Chorégraphe: Marcia King •
Avec: James Lister (Clanton), Marc Urquhart (McLaird'), Marcia King (Sister Priscilla), Lesley Joseph {Madame Lola), Steve Devereaux (Bill Tibbs),
Susanna Felowes (Alice Tibbs), Gordon Reid (Judge West), Clive Carter
Commentaire: Originally performed at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond, this began as a piece written for students at Mountview Theatre School. This production at the Astoria was an attempt at creating the American style “dinner theatre” - where stalls seats were removed and replaced with tables and chairs, and a meal was served prior to the start of the show. (plus)
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Original London
3) Beatlemania (Original London)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 141 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 18 October 1979
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Beatles •
Parolier: Beatles •
Metteur en scène:
Avec: Michael Palaikis (John), Tony Kishman (Paul), James Poe (George), Louis Colucci (Ringo)
Commentaire: This was an American cast, creating a “look-alike” tribute show which had been performed originally in Los Angeles and had toured the USA and Canada. The London production was restricted to six months under an agreement with Equity. The show than went on a European and world-wide tour, running in total for over five years. (plus)
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2) Grease (Revival)
Joué durant
Nb de représentations: 124 représentations
Première preview: Inconnu
Première: 01 January 1979
Dernière: Inconnu
Compositeur: Jim Jacobs • Warren Casey •
Parolier: Jim Jacobs • Warren Casey •
Libettiste: Jim Jacobs • Warren Casey •
Metteur en scène: Tom Moore • Robert Kipp •
Chorégraphe: Louis St Louis •
Avec: Michael Howe (Danny Zuko), Jacqueline Reddin (Sandy), Paul Felber, Andrew Paul, Timothy Whitnall, Gretchen Franklin, Sue Pollard, Tracey Ullman, Zelah Clarke
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