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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
Du Barry Was a Lady (1939-12-46th Street Theatre)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Richard Rodgers Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an Nombre : 408 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 06 December 1939Première : Wednesday 06 December 1939Dernière : Thursday 12 December 1940Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Robert Alton • Producteur : Avec : In New York City: Hugh Cameron (Jones), Walter Armin (Bill Kelly), Charles Walters (Harry Norton), Betty Grable (Alice Barton), Harold Cromer (Florian), Bert Lahr (Louis, aka Louie, Blore), Jean Moorhead (Vi Hennessey), Ethel Merman (May Daly), Ronald Graham (Alex Barton), Kay Sutton (Ann Barton), Tito Renaldo (Manuel Gomez), Benny Baker (Charley), The Four Internationals (Douglas Hawkins, Peter Holliday, Robert Herring, and Carl Nicholas); Starlets of the Club Petite—Geraldine Spreckels (Ann Todd), Betty Allen (Molly Windsor), Ann Graham (Sigana Sigan), Janis Carter (aka Janice Dremann, Janis Dremann, Janis Dremann Carter, and Janice Carter) (Ruth Frederic), Jacqueline Franc (Peggy Brown), Marguerite Benton (Mary Gray)
At Versailles: Hugh Cameron (Le Duc de Choiseul), Kay Sutton (Mme. La Duchesss de Grammont), Ethel Merman (Mme. La Comtesse DuBarry), Betty Grable (Mme. La Marquise Alisande de Vernay), Charles Walters (Captain of King’s Guard), Harold Cromer (Zamore), Bert Lahr (His Most Royal Majesty, The King of France), Benny Baker (His Royal Highness, The Dauphin of France), Jean Moorhead (Mme. La Duchesse de Villardell), Audrey Palmer (Cosette), Jack Stanton (Rene), Roy Ross (Pierre), Carl Nicholas (Gateman), Walter Armin (Docteur Michel), Johnny Barnes (Henri); Dames de la Cour—Geraldine Spreckels (Mme. La Duchesse du Couer), Betty Allen (Mme. La Marquise Du Pont L’Eveque), Ann Graham (Mme. La Comtesse de Camembert), Janis Carter (Mme. La Princesse Gruyere), Jacqueline Franc (La Baronne de Brie), Marguerite Benton (Mme. La Vicomtesse de Roquefort); Dancing Girls: Stella Clauson, Nina Wayler, Marion Harvey, Tilda Getze, Nancy Knott, Jane Sproule, Helen Bennett, Edyth Turgell, Barbara Pond, Evelyn Bonefine, Ruth Bond, Patricia Knight, Adele Jergens, Frances Krell, Gloria Martin, Beverly Hosier, Gloria Arden, Marie Vannemen, Virginia Cheneval; Dancing
Dietz, Dan. The Complete Book of 1930s Broadway Musicals . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Édition du Kindle.Commentaires : 46th Street Theatre (New York, NY): 6/12/1939 - 20/10/1940
Royale Theatre (New York, NY): 21/10/1940 - 12/12/1940

Version 2
Follow Thru (1929-01-46th Street Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Richard Rodgers Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 11 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 401 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 09 January 1929Première : Wednesday 09 January 1929Dernière : Saturday 21 December 1929Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Arthur Aylesworth (“Mac” Moore), Don Tomkins (sometimes spelled as Tompkins) (Thomas Darcy “Dinty” Moore), Irene Delroy (Lora Moore), Zelma O'Neal (Angie Howard), Frank Kingdon (Martin Bascomb), Margaret Lee (Babs Bascomb), John Sheehan (J. C. Effingham), John Barker (Jerry Downs), Jack Haley (Jack Martin), Madeline Cameron (Ruth Van Horn), Edith Campbell (Mrs. Bascomb), Al Downing (Mr. Manning), Eleanor Powell (Molly), Paul Howard (Steve), Dorothy Christy (Olive), Yvonne Grey (Glenna), Constance Lane (Virginia), Sherry Pelham (Cynthia); Ladies: Ruth Kent, Zilpha DeWitt, Claire Joyce, Ethel Lawrence, Christine Ecklund, Mildred Stevens, Katherine Cornell, Elaine Lank, Bodil Lund, Jane Brown, Firlie Banks, Minerva Wilson, Irene Hamlin, Ann Lomax, Sherry Pelham, Renee Vilon, Mildred Webb, Drucilla Strain, Dorothea Dunn, Arlyne White, Irene Warner, Dorothy Day, Hilda Burkhart, Dody Donnelly, Anita Pam, Marguerite Kennedy, Joselyn Lyle; Gentlemen: Herbert Rothwell, Phil King, Samuel Quinn, Harry Moore, Mortimer O'Brien, John McCahill, Gordon Merrick, Richard Neely, Joe Evans, William Sahner, Arthur Craig, Ned Lynn, Fred Murray, Phil Farley, Richard Renaud, Jerry White, Paul Mann; The Country Club Boys: Garrick Douglas, Jack Lawrence, W. E. Critzer, Oscar Ellinger, John Hammond, Fred Kuhnly, Arthur Bryan, and Maurice Siegel; Alfred (Al) Goodman and His Orchestra: Tom Gott, Irving Prager, Bobby Dolan, Manny Klein, Hayden Sheppard, Carl Loeffler, Sam Gurski, Sol Deutch, Jack Scherr, Perry Billitzer, Harry Gompers, Charles Springer, Max Weiser, Mel Franza, Billy Artzt, Rudy Sims, Nat Kass, Dave Rose

Version 3
Funny Face (1927-11-Alvin Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Neil Simon Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 7 mois Nombre : 244 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 22 November 1927Dernière : Saturday 23 June 1928Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Adele Astaire (Frankie), Fred Astaire (Jimmy Reeve), Allen Kearns (Peter Thurston), William Kent (Dugsie Gibbs), Victor Moore (Herbert), Kay Annis (Lady of the Ensemble), Winifred Beck (Lady of the Ensemble), Marcia Bell (Lady of the Ensemble), Vera Berg (Lady of the Ensemble), Edwin Bidwell (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Mildred Brower (Lady of the Ensemble), Dowell Brown (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Jean Carroll (Lady of the Ensemble), Helen Clare (Lady of the Ensemble), Austin Clark (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Betty Compton (Dora), William Cooper (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Arthur Craig (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Norman Curtis (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Peggy Daubert (Lady of the Ensemble), Dorothy Dawn (Lady of the Ensemble), Eugene Day (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Ann Ecklund (Lady of the Ensemble), Adelyn Endore (Lady of the Ensemble), Jack Fraley (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Elsie Frank (Lady of the Ensemble), Sherry Gale (Lady of the Ensemble), Bob Gebhardt (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Gloria Glennon (Lady of the Ensemble), Ona Hamilton (Lady of the Ensemble), Earl Hampton (Chester), Edwin Hodge (Hotel Clerk), Thomas Hodges (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Alma Hookey (Lady of the Ensemble), Paul Jensen (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Dorothy Jordan (Bell Hop), (Lady of the Ensemble), Richard Keith (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Adrienne Lampel (Lady of the Ensemble), Helen Leslie (Lady of the Ensemble), W.L. Mack (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Ted MacLean (Sergeant of Police), Lionel Maclyn (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Frances Markey (Lady of the Ensemble), Maxine Marshall (Lady of the Ensemble), Tom Martin (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Pauline Mason (Lady of the Ensemble), Ethel Maye (Lady of the Ensemble), Gertrude McDonald (June), Estelle Mercier (Lady of the Ensemble), Gordon Merrick (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Lillian Michel (Lady of the Ensemble), Walter Munroe (Porter), (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Jo Navarro (Lady of the Ensemble), Elsie Neal (Lady of the Ensemble), Richard Neely (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Marie Otto (Lady of the Ensemble), Ruth Penery (Lady of the Ensemble), Boo Phelps (Lady of the Ensemble), Edwin Preble (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Peggy Quinn (Lady of the Ensemble), Fritz Reinhard (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Rita Romero (Lady of the Ensemble), Ruth Sato (Lady of the Ensemble), Marshall Scott (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Marjorie Seltzer (Lady of the Ensemble), Bobby Shutta (Lady of the Ensemble), Sam Simpson (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Ray Stilley (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Marion Tierney (Lady of the Ensemble), Billie Walker (Lady of the Ensemble), Walter Wandell (Gentleman of the Ensemble), Polly Williams (Lady of the Ensemble)

Version 4
George White's Scandals of 1919 (1919-06-Liberty Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Liberty Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 4 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 128 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Monday 02 June 1919Dernière : Saturday 11 October 1919Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Lester Allen (The Specialist), Larry Beck (The Character Man), Bennett & Richards (The Dancing and Singing Men), George Bickel (The Comedian), Adele Christy (Ensemble), Ethel Delmar (The Soubrette), Peggy Dolan (Ensemble), Lowell B. Drew (The Juvenile Comedian), Burt Hanlon (The Talking Comedian), Helen Knight (Ensemble), La Sylphe (The Class(y)ic Dancer), Lois Leigh (Another Soubrette), Viola Mattison (Ensemble), James Miller (The Rube Comedian), Ona Munson (Another Soubrette), Ann Pennington (The Little Leading Lady), Yvette Rugel (The Littler Prima Donna), Al Sexton (The Singing Juvenile), Dorothy St. Clair (Another Soubrette), Christine Welford (Ensemble), Darry Welford (Ensemble), George White (The Dancing Leading Man), Mabel Withee (The Little Prima Donna)Commentaires : Music by Richard A. Whiting; Book by Arthur Jackson and George White; Lyrics by Arthur Jackson and George White; Featuring songs by Herbert Spencer; Musical Director: Julius Lenzberg

Version 5
Good News (1927-09-46th Street Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Richard Rodgers Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 4 mois Nombre : 557 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 06 September 1927Première : Tuesday 06 September 1927Dernière : Saturday 05 January 1929Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : John Price Jones (Tom Marlowe), John Grant (“Beef” Saunders), Gus Shy (Bobby Randall), Edwin Redding (“Big Bill” Johnson), John Sheehan (“Pooch” Kearney), Edward Emery (Charles Kenyon), Shirley Vernon (Patricia Bingham), Mary Lawlor (Constance, aka Connie, Lane), Inez Courtney (Babe O’Day), Don Tompkins (aka Tomkins) (Sylvester), Wally Coyle (Windy), Jack Kennedy (Slats), Ruth Mayon (Millie), Zelma O’Neal (Flo), George Olsen (The Band Leader), George Olsen’s Band (The College Band), The Glee Club Trio (Bob Rice, Frank Frey, and Bob Berger)
Collégiens du Tait College: Herbert Rothwell, Andreas Erving, Roy Nelson, Jack Kennedy, Frank Cullen, Joe Carey, William Pahlman, Arthur Appell, Charles Mayon, Phil Dewey, Gerald Gehlert, Jack Boggs, George Oliver, Dan Douglass, Richard Renaud, Larry Larkin, Mack Murray, John McAvoy, Irving Carter, Gilbert White;
Collégiennes du Tait Collège: Ann Lee, Margaret Shea, Gwendolyn Vernon, Betty Gayle, Roberta Greene, Roberta White, Emily Burton, Zelda Mansfield, Bodil Lund, Claire Joyce, Christine Ecklund, Irene Hamlin, Minerva Wilson, Anita Pam, Dorothy Day, Carol Young, Clara Blackath, Sherry Pelham, Betty Garson, Ethel Lawrence, Mildred Stevens, Zilpha DeWitt, Valeda Duncan, Viola Goring, Irene Warner, Ruth Kelly, Elsie Lombard

Version 6
Hold On to Your Hats (1940-09-Shubert Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Shubert Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 4 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 158 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 11 September 1940Première : Wednesday 11 September 1940Dernière : Saturday 01 February 1941Mise en scène : George Hale • Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Margaret Irving (Sierra), Gil Lamb (Slim), George Church (Lon), Jack Whiting (Pete), Martha Raye (Mamie), Jinx Falkenburg (First Dudette, Rita), Joyce Matthews (Second Dudette), Thea Pinto (Third Dudette), Lew Eckles (Sheriff), Arnold Moss (Fernando), Al Jolson (Lone Rider), John Randolph (Radio Announcer), Joe Stoner (Shep Martin), Marty Drake (Old Man Hawkins), Bert Gordon (Concho), George Maran (Sound Effects), Russ Brown (Dinky), Eunice Healey (Shirley), Sid Cassel (Luis), Will Kuluva (Pedro); The Tanner Sisters: Martha Tanner, Mickey Tanner, and Betty Tanner; The Radio Aces: Marty Drake, Lou Stoner, and Joe Stoner; The Ranchettes: Margie Greene, Anita Jakobi, Iris Wayne, and Janis Williams; Dudettes: Janet Moore, Betty Jane Hess, Jean Ellis, Joyce Matthews, Thea Pinto, Ruthe Reid, Francisca Sims, Dorothy Wygal; Dancing Girls: Marjorie Baglin, Betty Boyce, Flora Bowes, Renee Cettel, Grace DeVita, Constance Dowling, Betty Ford, Jackie Gately, Betty Gavin, Marion Lulling, Joanne Marshall, Dorothy Thomas, Myra Weldin, Claire Wolf; Dancing Boys: Albert Amato, Alan Bandler, Frank Carey, Arthur Grahl, Randolph Hughes, Clarence Jaeger, Dave Jones, George Miller, Russ Milton, Bill Rettie, Jack SmithCommentaires : Le livret a été « mis en scène » par Edgar MacGregor et toute la production a été placée « sous la supervision de » George Hale.

Version 7
Hot-Cha! (1932-03-Ziegfield Theatre-Brodway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Ziegfield Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 119 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 08 March 1932Première : Tuesday 08 March 1932Dernière : Saturday 18 June 1932Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Edward Clarke Liley • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Iris Adrian (Ensemble), Louise Allen (Ensemble), Mary Ann (Ensemble), Nick Basil (Bus Boy), Miriam BattistaHerman Belmonte (Ensemble), Leonard Berry (Ensemble), Virginia Biddle (Ensemble), Joan Burgess (Ensemble), Alice Burrage (Ensemble), Tito Coral (Ramon La Grande), Mary Coyle (Ensemble), Jack Daley (Conductor), Dorothy Day (Ensemble), Antonio De Marco (Specialty), Renee De Marco (Specialty), Louis Delgado (Brakeman), Alan DeSylva (Ensemble), Marion Dixon (Ensemble), Dody Donnelly (Ensemble), Betty Dumbris (Ensemble), Prudence Edgar (Ensemble), Georgia Ellis (Ensemble), Jules Epailly (Store Keeper), Harriet Fink (Ensemble), Marjorie Fisher (Ensemble), Dorothy Flood (Ensemble), John Fulco (Gendarme), Robert Gleckler (Jose Diaz), Pearl Harris (Ensemble), Patty Hastings (Ensemble), Florence Healy (Ensemble), Hernandez Brothers (Three Troubadours), Theo Holley (Ensemble), Jean Howard (Ensemble), Stanley Howard (Ensemble), Mercedes Hughes (Ensemble), Alfonso Iglesias (Ensemble), Dorothy Kal (Ensemble), Gloria Kelly (Ensemble), Tom Kelly (Ensemble), June Knight (Dorothy Maxwell), Frances Kruger (Ensemble), Charles La Torre (Doctor), Bert Lahr (Alky Schmidt), Jane Lane (Ensemble), Rose Louise (Girl in Compartment), Evelyn Lowrie (Ensemble), Neva Lynn (Ensemble), June MacCloy (Mae Devlin), Frances Markey (Ensemble), Edwin Marsh (Ensemble), Mary Joan Martin (Ensemble), Lorelle McCarver (Ensemble), Lou Ann Meredith (Ensemble), Rosalie Milan (Ensemble), Vic Monroe (Lopez), Grace Moore (Ensemble), Pauline Moore (Ensemble), George O'Brien (Ensemble), Ethel O'Dell (Ensemble), Catherine O'Neil (Ensemble), Lester Ostrander (Ensemble), Lynne Overman (Hap Wilson), Arthur Page (Hoffman), Sherry Pelham (Ensemble), Theo Phane (Ensemble), Lilyan Picard (Ensemble), Eleanor Powell (Dancer), Basil Prock (Ensemble), Polly Ray (Ensemble), Carol Renwick (Ensemble), Mary Alice Rice (Ensemble), Wilburn Riviere (Ensemble), Buddy Rogers (Jack Whitney), Alma Ross (Servant), William Ruppel (Ensemble), Mina Ruskin (Ensemble), Marion Santre (Ensemble), Roy Sedley (Revenue Man), Gertrude Sheffield (Ensemble), Marie Stevens (Ensemble), Kay Stewart (Ensemble), Thomas Thompson (Ensemble), Lupe Velez (Conchita), Veloz and Yolanda (Specialty), Efim Vitis (Ensemble), Marion Volk (Ensemble), Molly Wakefield (Ensemble), Diana Walker (Ensemble), Lorraine Webb (Ensemble), Mildred Webb (Ensemble), Marjorie White (Toodles Smith)

Version 8
Let's Face It (1941-10-Imperial Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Imperial Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 4 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 547 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 29 October 1941Première : Wednesday 29 October 1941Dernière : Saturday 20 March 1943Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Janice Joyce (Polly Lee), Marguerite Benton (Madge Hall), Helene Bliss (Helen Marcy), Helen Devlin (Dorothy Crowthers), Kalita Humphreys (Anna, Mrs. Wiggins), Mary Jane Walsh (Winnie Potter), Lois Bolton (Mrs. Fink), Margie Evans (Mrs. Wigglesworth), Sally Bond (Maid), Eve Arden (Maggie Watson), Joseph Macaulay (Julian Watson), Vivian Vance (Nancy Collister), James Todd (George Collister), Edith Meiser (Cornelia Abigal Pigeon), Fred Irving Lewis (Judge Henry Clay Pigeon), Marion Harvey (Molly Wincor), Beverly Whitney (Margaret Howard), Jane Ball (Ann Todd), Henry Austin (Phillip), Toni Caridi (Jules), Jack Williams (Eddie Hilliard), Benny Baker (Frankie Burns), Sunnie O’Dea (Muriel McGillicuddy), Nanette Fabray (Jean Blanchard), Houston Richards (Lieutenant Wiggins), Danny Kaye (Jerry Walker), Betty Moran (Gloria Gunther), Miriam Franklin (Sigana Earle), William Lilling (Master of Ceremonies), Fred Nay (Private Walsh); Dance Team: Mary Parker and Billy Daniel; The Royal Guards: Tommy Gleason, Ollie West, Roy Russell, Ricki Tanzi, Henry Austin, Tony Caridi; Vocalists: Marguerite Benton, Helene Bliss, Janice Joyce, Beverly Whitney, Lisa Rutherford, Frances Williams; Guests: Billie Dee, Mary Ann Parker, Sally Bond, Jane Ball, Peggy Carroll, Sandra Barrett, Jean Scott, Jean Trybom, Marilynn Randels, Marion Harvey, Miriam Franklin, Peggy Littlejohn, Pat Likely, Zynaid Spencer, Renee Russell, Pamela Clifford, Edith Turgell; Selectees: Garry Davis, George Florence, Fred Deming, Dale Priest, Mickey Moore, Jack Riley, Joel Friend, Fred Nay, Frank Ghegan, Randolph Hughes

Version 9
Louisiana Purchase (1940-05-Imperial Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Imperial Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 2 semaines Nombre : 444 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 28 May 1940Première : Tuesday 28 May 1940Dernière : Saturday 14 June 1941Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : lliam Gaxton (Jim Taylor), Victor Moore (Senator Oliver P. Loganberry), Vera Zorina (Marina van Linden), April Ames (Emmy-Lou), Irene BordoniDorothy Barrett (Dancing Girl), Hubert Bland (Dancing Boy), Ralph Blane (The Martins), Carol Bruce (Beatrice), Georgia Carroll (Secretary), Don Cortez (A Buccaneer), Ned Coupland (Dancing Boy), Charlie Curran (Dancing Boy), Douglas Dean (Dancing Boy), Clark Eggleston (Dancing Boy), Althea Elder (Dancing Girl), John Eliot (Sam Liebowitz), Judith Ford (Louisiana Belle), Mary Ganley (Dancing Girl), Grace Gillern (Dancing Girl), Dwight Godwin (Dancing Boy), Petra Gray (Dancing Girl), Dorothy Hall (Dancing Girl), Mary Hartwig (Dancing Girl), Harold Haskins (Dancing Boy), George Hunter (Dancing Boy), Dorothy Jeffers (Dancing Girl), Nancy Knott (Dancing Girl), Charles La Torre (Alphonse), Henry Lahee (Dancing Boy), Charles Laskey (Premier Danseur), Patricia Lee (Louisiana Belle), James Leland (Dancing Boy), Nick Long, Jr. (Lee Davis), Edith Luce (Louisiana Belle), Betty Luster (Dancing Girl), Harvey Mack (Dancing Boy), Hugh Martin (The Martins), Ray Mayer (Davis D. Davis, Jr.), Jack McClendon (Dancing Boy), Virginia Morris (Dancing Girl), Nicodemus (Abner), Leona Olsen (Dancing Girl), John Panter (A Buccaneer), James Phillips (A Buccaneer), Robert Pitkin (Col. Davis D. Davis, Sr.), Nicolai Popov (Dancing Boy), Richard Reed (Dancing Boy), Ralph Riggs (Dean Manning), Edward H. Robins (Police Captain Whitfield), Jo Jean Rogers (The Martins), Phyllis Rogers (The Martins), Marion Rosamond (Louisiana Belle), Rosemary Sankey (Dancing Girl), Jean Scott (Dancing Girl), Veva Selwood (Louisiana Belle), Zynaid Spencer (Dancing Girl), Aleen Stewart (Dancing Girl), Anitra Upton (Dancing Girl), Helen Vincent (Dancing Girl), Kenneth Whelan (Dancing Boy), Doris York (Dancing Girl)

Version 10
Panama Hattie (1940-10-46th Street Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Richard Rodgers Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 2 mois Nombre : 501 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 30 October 1940Première : Wednesday 30 October 1940Dernière : Saturday 03 January 1942Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Ethel Merman (Hattie Maloney), Phyllis Brooks (Leila Tree), Joan Carroll (Geraldine Bullett), James Dunn (Nick Bullett), Pat HarringtonBetty Hutton (Florrie), Frank Hyers (Windy Deegan), Rags Ragland (Woozy Hogan), Arthur Treacher (Vivian Budd), June Allyson (Dancing Girl), Irene Austin (Dancing Girl), Raymond Baine (Tom), Jack Baker (Dancing Boy), Jane Ball (Dancing Girl), Marguerite Benton (Singing Girl), Mimi Berry (Dancing Girl), Betsy Blair (Dancing Girl), Lucille Bremer (Dancing Girl), Janis Carter (Singing Girl), Nancy Chaplin (Dancing Girl), Conchita (Mrs. Gonzales), Hal Conklin (First Stranger), Kathlyn Coulter (Dancing Girl), Marrianne Cude (Dancing Girl), Ronnie Cunningham (Dancing Girl), Ted Daniels (Ted), Frank DeRoss (Second Stranger), Vera Dean (Singing Girl), Jack Donahue (Mike), Doris Dowling (Dancing Girl), Al Downing (Pete), Lipman Duckat (Ty), Vera Ellen (Dancing Girl), Cliff Ferre (Dancing Boy), Miriam Franklyn (Dancing Girl), Nadine Gae (Chiquita), Roger Gerry (Tim), Anne Graham (Kitty Belle Randolph), Linda Griffith (Fruit Peddler), Marguerite James (Dancing Girl), James Kelso (Whitney Randolph), Pat Likely (Dancing Girl), Mary McDownell (Dancing Girl), Fred Nay (Dancing Boy), Eppy Pearson (Mac), Jack Riley (Dancing Boy), Harry Rogue (Dancing Boy), Renee Russell (Dancing Girl), Elaine Shepard (Mildred Hunter), Billy Skipper, Jr. (Dancing Boy), Art Stanley (Dancing Boy), Carl Trees (Dancing Boy), Don Weissmuller (Dancing Boy), Audrey Westphal (Dancing Girl)

Version 11
Sidewalks of New York (1927-10-Knickerbocker Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Knickerbocker Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois Nombre : 112 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 03 October 1927Première : Monday 03 October 1927Dernière : Saturday 07 January 1928Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Earl Lindsey • Producteur : Avec : Gladys Ahern (Gladys), Will Ahern (Goofy, Willie), John Alexander (Ensemble), Irving Beaman (Ensemble), Dick BennettPearl Bradley (Ensemble), Sybil Bursk (Ensemble), George Byrne (Fingers), Alex Calm (Izzy), Walter Carson (Ensemble), Virginia Clark (Ensemble), Hal Clovis (Ensemble), Emil Cote (A Policeman, Ensemble), Charles Dale (Abe Cohen), Charles Davis (Ensemble), Ray Dooley (Gertie), Henry Dowling (Muggsy), Jeanne Edwards (Ensemble), Vance Elliott (Ensemble), Barney Fagan (Old Timer), Evelyn Farrell (Ensemble), Adeline Foley (Ensemble), Carl Francis (Hon. Percival Short), Charles Gale (Whitey), Jack Gargin (Ensemble), Dolly Gilbert (Ensemble), Marjorie Gilbet (Ensemble), Melvin Halpern (Ensemble), Winifred Harris (Mrs. Brewster), Hal Hennessey (Ensemble), Kathryn Hereford (Ensemble), Lester Hope (Monk), Ruby Keeler (Mamie, Ruby), Dick Keene (Mickey O'Brien), Frank Kingdon (August Brewster), Donald Lee (Ensemble), Linda (Dorothy Brewster), Helen MacDonald (Ensemble), Edward Marshall (Ensemble), Edward Maurelli (Organ Grinder), Bob Maxwell (Ensemble), Stanley McClelland (Ensemble), Sam Morton (Buckley), Elizabeth Murray (Mrs. O'Brien), George Murray (Ensemble), Carolyn Nolte (Miss Brown, Carrie), Peter Nugent (Ensemble), Fiske O'Hara (Sergeant Daley), Billy O'Rorke (Ensemble), Cecil Owen (Parker), Elva Pomfret (Ensemble), George Rand (Ensemble), Anna Rex (Ensemble), Phyllis Reynolds (Ensemble), Josephine Sabel (Old Timer), Edward Shanault (Ensemble), Billy Shepperd (Ensemble), Bobby Shields (Ensemble), Harry Short (The Governor), Francis X. Sinnott (Ensemble), Joe Smith (Moe Zimmermann), Louise Stark (Ensemble), Ward Tallman (Ensemble), T. F. Thomas (Perkins), Jim Thornton (Old Timer), Peggy Timmons (Ensemble), Lorraine Webb (Ensemble), Virginia Webb (Ensemble), Paul A. Weber (Ensemble), Gene West (Ensemble), Fred Wilson (Ensemble), Joe Wilson (Ensemble), Woodey Lee Wilson (Miss Smith, Dolly, Ensemble), Wanda Woods (Ensemble), Betty Wright (Ensemble), Ross Wright (Ensemble)

Version 12
Sweet Little Devil (1924-01-Broadway Run)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Broadway Run (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 120 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 21 January 1924Première : Monday 21 January 1924Dernière : Saturday 03 May 1924Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Rae Bowdin (Rena), Marjorie Gateson (Joyce West), Ruth Warren (May Rourke), Franklyn Ardell (Sam Wilson), Constance Binney (Virginia Araminta Culpepper), Irving Beebe (Tom Nesbitt), William Wayne (Fred Carrington), Charles Kennedy (Jim Henry), Mildred Brown (Susette), Bobbie Breslaw (Joan Edward), William Holbrook (Richard Brook), Olivette (Marian Townes); The Young Ladies Who Sing: Evelyn Grieg, Lulu McGrath, Dorothy Hughes, Norma Forrest, Betty Nivens, Margaret Morris, Florence Kingsley, Betty Wright; The Young Ladies Who Dance: Paulette Winston, Bobbie Breslaw, Sophie Howard, Ethel Bryant, Yvette DuBois, Penelope Rowland, Mae Rena Grady, Mildred Brown, Rose Sarro; The Young Men: Maurice Lapue (possibly Lupue), William Neely, Albert Burke, Frank Cullen, Fred Tozere, Edward Ross, Jack Stone, Lee Wentling, Alan Cook

Version 13
Sweet Little Devil (1924-01-Broadway Run-Astor Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Astor Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)Durée : 1 mois Nombre : Première Preview : Monday 21 January 1924Première : Monday 21 January 1924Dernière : Saturday 23 February 1924Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Rae Bowdin (Rena), Marjorie Gateson (Joyce West), Ruth Warren (May Rourke), Franklyn Ardell (Sam Wilson), Constance Binney (Virginia Araminta Culpepper), Irving Beebe (Tom Nesbitt), William Wayne (Fred Carrington), Charles Kennedy (Jim Henry), Mildred Brown (Susette), Bobbie Breslaw (Joan Edward), William Holbrook (Richard Brook), Olivette (Marian Townes); The Young Ladies Who Sing: Evelyn Grieg, Lulu McGrath, Dorothy Hughes, Norma Forrest, Betty Nivens, Margaret Morris, Florence Kingsley, Betty Wright; The Young Ladies Who Dance: Paulette Winston, Bobbie Breslaw, Sophie Howard, Ethel Bryant, Yvette DuBois, Penelope Rowland, Mae Rena Grady, Mildred Brown, Rose Sarro; The Young Men: Maurice Lapue (possibly Lupue), William Neely, Albert Burke, Frank Cullen, Fred Tozere, Edward Ross, Jack Stone, Lee Wentling, Alan Cook

Version 14
Sweet Little Devil (1924-01-Broadway Run-Central Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Central Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)Durée : 2 mois 1 semaine Nombre : Première Preview : Monday 25 February 1924Première : Monday 25 February 1924Dernière : Saturday 03 May 1924Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Rae Bowdin (Rena), Marjorie Gateson (Joyce West), Ruth Warren (May Rourke), Franklyn Ardell (Sam Wilson), Constance Binney (Virginia Araminta Culpepper), Irving Beebe (Tom Nesbitt), William Wayne (Fred Carrington), Charles Kennedy (Jim Henry), Mildred Brown (Susette), Bobbie Breslaw (Joan Edward), William Holbrook (Richard Brook), Olivette (Marian Townes); The Young Ladies Who Sing: Evelyn Grieg, Lulu McGrath, Dorothy Hughes, Norma Forrest, Betty Nivens, Margaret Morris, Florence Kingsley, Betty Wright; The Young Ladies Who Dance: Paulette Winston, Bobbie Breslaw, Sophie Howard, Ethel Bryant, Yvette DuBois, Penelope Rowland, Mae Rena Grady, Mildred Brown, Rose Sarro; The Young Men: Maurice Lapue (possibly Lupue), William Neely, Albert Burke, Frank Cullen, Fred Tozere, Edward Ross, Jack Stone, Lee Wentling, Alan Cook

Version 15
Take a Chance (1932-11-Apollo Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Apollo Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 7 mois Nombre : 243 représentationsPremière Preview : Saturday 26 November 1932Première : Saturday 26 November 1932Dernière : Saturday 01 July 1933Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Cast: Jack Haley (Duke Stanley), Sid Silvers (Louie Webb), June Knight (Toni Ray), Ethel Merman (Wanda Brill), Jack Whiting (Kenneth Raleigh), Douglas Wood (Andrew Raleigh), Mitzi Mayfair (Consuelo Raleigh), Robert Gleckler (Mike Caruso), Josephine Dunn (Thelma Green), George Pauncefort ( Butler); Cast Members of the revue-within-the-musical Humpty Dumpty: Oscar Ragland, Sara Jane, John Grant, Louise Seidel, Lee Beggs, Al Downing, Andrew Carr, Louise Carr; Dancers: Louise Allen, Gerry Billings, Lucille Brodin, Flo Brooks, Jean Carson, Marian Dixon, Helen Fairweather, Emily Fitzpatrick, Arline Garfield, Fran ces Gordon, Ethel Green, Marian Herson, Julie (aka Juliette) Jenner, Dorothy Kal, Gloria Kelly, Paula King, Jane Lane, Evelyn Laurie, Florence Mallee, Anna Marie McKenney, Frances McHugh, Dorothy Morgan, Julia Pirie, Blanche Poston, Adelaide Raleigh, Mildred Webb, James Ardell, Henry King, Clark Leston, Edward Shane; The Ritz Quartette: William H. Stamm, Edward Delridge, Neil Evans, and Chet Bree; The Admirals: Tommy Ladd, Jack Armstrong, Budd Kehlner, and Paul Pegue

Version 16
Through the Years (1932-01-Manhattan Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Ed Sullivan Theatre (Brodway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 2 semaines Nombre : 20 représentationsPremière Preview : Thursday 28 January 1932Première : Thursday 28 January 1932Dernière : Saturday 13 February 1932Mise en scène : Edgar MacGregor • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Kay Adams (Singing Girl), Peggy Andre (Dancing Girl), Marion Ballou (Ellen), Frank Barron (Boy), Michael BartlettGloria Beaumont (Dancing Girl), Caryl Bergman (Penelope), Emily Burton (Dancing Girl), Dee Collins (Singing Girl), Audrey Davis (Mary Clare), Adline Forbes (Singing Girl), Patricia Francis (Dancing Girl), John Frederick (Boy), Gregory Gaye (Captain Moreau), Mildred Gethins (Singing Girl), Natalie Hall (Kathleen), Evelyn Hannons (Dancing Girl), Ann Hardman (Dancing Girl), Jack Lawrence (Boy), Nick Long (Willie Ainley), Gertrude Lowe (Dancing Girl), Anton Luksor (Boy), Estelle Malin (Singing Girl), Dolly Martinez (Dancing Girl), Martha Mason (Betty Fallow), Evelyn Monte (Dancing Girl), Sonny Nelson (Dancing Girl), Leone Newmann (Lucy), Reginald Owen (John Carteret), Irving Pichler (Boy), Lelane Rivera (Mrs. Ainley), Peggy Schenck (Dancing Girl), Ivan Sokoloff (Boy), Ray Thomas (Boy), Winnie Torney (Dancing Girl), Marie Valot (Singing Girl), Norman Van Emburgh (Boy), Charles Winninger (Dr. Owen Harding), Paulette Winston (Dancing Girl), Anna Worth (Singing Girl)Presse : The tryout was chaotic. The musical opened in Philadelphia as Smiling Through and then underwent a title change to Love Is All for its Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C., engagements. Show Boat’s original Magnolia (Norma Terris) was Kathleen/Moonyean, but the Times reported she left the company after the Pittsburgh engagement and that her understudy (Lelane Rivera, according to Bordman) went on for the early Washington performances while her permanent replacement Natalie Hall rehearsed. The Times noted that Terris had a run-of-the-play contract, but “under an amicable arrangement” between her and Youmans she left the show with two weeks’ salary. (It seems Terris must have left the Pittsburgh production at the last minute, because a Washington program includes her name in the cast list.)