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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
Fred and Gladys (2011-03-Landor Theatre-Londres)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Landor Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 30 March 2011Première : Thursday 31 March 2011Dernière : Saturday 16 April 2011Mise en scène : Paul Tibbey • Chorégraphie : Chadd Garvie • Producteur : Avec : Jon House (Storyteller), James Edwards (Prince Charles), Emily Woodward (Princess Diana), Ruth James (The Queen), Tim Benton (Prince Phillip), Suzie Edwards (Jackie/Princess Anne), Camilla Simson (Camilla Parker Bowles)Presse : Charlie Sexboots
This pleasing little diversion will have you clicking your fingers and tapping your Chelsea-booted toes... swinging London wrapped up in a groovy little time capsule... songs that both swing and bite, really first rate gags... perfect little show. Critic's Choice
(Time Out)
Dark, exuberantly cynical, witty and intelligently scripted, Charlie Sexboots depicts the great British sex scandal with hard-edged and quick paced flippancy. (The Stage)
A satirical classic which is a show to die for! This is not to be missed. (Wandsworth Borough News)
Royal Variety
The brilliance of Tibbey and Sims' writing is the way they utilise the sitcom-esque, genuinely funny seaside postcard humour that we all grew up with and then spin it in to something classy, insightful and relevant to us today. Their attention to the period detail of their pieces is breathtaking - bordering on scary - and here all the gossip and tatty glamour of pre- Beatles variety passes before you...
...a fascinating and witty glimpse of a lost world that everyone can appreciate. (What's on in London)
Everyone loves me
The script is dainty and the songs are fruity - a delightful study in the sad search for fame.
Edinburgh Evening News
A musical to remember.
Edinburgh Guide

Version 2
Full Monty (The) (2009-12-New Players Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Charing Cross Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 02 December 2009Première : Thursday 03 December 2009Dernière : Saturday 02 January 2010Mise en scène : Thom Southerland • Chorégraphie : Chadd Garvie • Producteur : Avec : Adam Bayjou (Lukowski), Peter St James (Dave), Tegwan Tucker (Pam), Gareth Nash (Malcolm), Nick Fawcett (Harold), Charlene Qwaye (Vicki), Adam Colbourne (Ethan), Anthony Wise (Jeanette), Herve Goffings (Horse)Commentaires : Very often a cut-down, small-scale fringe production of a formerly “big” musical would provide a tighter focus, more direct audience involvement, and therefore create a valid and worthwhile re-interpretation of the original work. However, it was felt this was not true of “The Full Monty”. With its reduced cast and smaller settings this was felt to be a disappointment.