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Version 1
Ever Green (1930-12-Adelphi Theatre-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Adelphi Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 254 représentationsPremière Preview : Wednesday 03 December 1930Première : Wednesday 03 December 1930Dernière : InconnuMise en scène : Frank Collins • Chorégraphie : Buddy Bradley • Billy Pierce • Producteur : Avec : It starred dancer Jessie Matthews (who played both the mother and the daughter) and comedian Sonnie Hale, who married her the following year. It also featured Joyce Barbour and Jean Cadell.Commentaires : C'est avec ce spectacle que le nouveau théâtre Adelphi (quatrième du nom) a ouvert sur le Strand.Commentaires longs: The lavish production was noted for the setpiece "Dancing on the Ceiling" that used London's first revolving stage. In this, the two stars danced around a huge chandelier that was standing up from the floor, simulating the ceiling. Matthews subsequently adopted "Dancing on the Ceiling" (also known as "He dances overhead") as her signature tune. The show was Matthews' biggest stage success and led to her renowned film career.