Théâtre ()
De Ayub Khan Din

East is East (2014-10-Trafalgar Studios 1-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Trafalgar Studios (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Studio 1Durée : 2 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : samedi 04 octobre 2014Première : mercredi 15 octobre 2014Dernière : samedi 03 janvier 2015Mise en scène : Sam Yates • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Jane Horrocks (Ella Khan), Ayub Khan Din (George Khan), Amit Shah (Abdul Khan), Ashley Kumar (Tariq Khan), Darren Kuppan (Maneer Khan), Nathan Clarke (Saleem Khan), Taj Atwal (Meenah Khan), Michael Karim (Sajit Khan), Sally Bankes (Auntie Annie), Rani Moorthy (Mrs. Shah), Hassani Shapi (Mr Shah/Doctor). Ash Rizi, Karl Seth, Deepal Parmar, Pamela Bennett (Ensemble)Presse : "There is a sense of the production’s being slightly undercooked. Horrocks’s performance is as the redoubtable Ella is polished and Taj Atwal is sparky as Meenah, But Khan Din gives a curiously hesitant performance as George: both his violence and his charisma are oddly muted..." Jane Shilling for The Telegraph
"A lot has happened in the wake of 9/11 to make one wonder whether the equivalents of the Khan children now would more exercised about their identity. It hasn't dated the piece, though, which has prescient touches and is still brilliantly alive in its verbal comedy. A great night out." Paul Taylor for The Independent
"One of the great pleasures of the play is the way, whatever your cultural background, it tells the truth about family life and the way that love and hate are bound together." Lyn Gardner for The Guardian
"The grimmer scenes of domestic abuse seem contrived, and the production doesn’t always feel sharply focused. But any opportunity to see Horrocks onstage is a treat." Henry Hitchings for The Evening Standard