Musical ()
Music, Book & Lyrics: Michael Lewis & Peter Rafelson

Voyeurz (1996-07-Whitehall Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Trafalgar Studios (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Studio 1
Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 64 représentationsPremière Preview : vendredi 12 juillet 1996Première : lundi 22 juillet 1996Dernière : samedi 14 septembre 1996Mise en scène : Michael Lewis • Peter Rafelson • Chorégraphie : Bunty Mathias • Annabel Haydn • Producteur : Avec : Sally Anne Marsh (Jane), Krysten Cummings (Andi), Natasha Kristie (Eve), Robert Nurse (Pretty Boy Lloyd), Marcus J. McCue (Zephyr), Belinda Chapman (Cruel Ella), Lisa Torun (Chakra Calm)Commentaires : Michael White, famous for “Rocky Horror Show” and “Oh Calcutta”, had apparently invested £1 million in this lavish “adult entertainment”. The publicity said that he hoped people would leave the theatre “wanting to have sex - with whatever and homever”. Inevitably the show was totally derided by the critics, claiming it offered not just simulated sex, but simulated singing, dancing and acting and a simulated book and music. It came off after 8 weeks having lost its entire investment.Presse : Voyeurz