Legal problems forced Ziegfeld to use a title other than Ziegfeld Follies for this edition. There was a Ziegfeld Follies of 1926, but it was a touring show promoted by the temporary owner of the title, George Wintz.
This production opened in Florday, prior to Broadway under the title Ziegfeld's Palm Beach Nights. It was changed to Ziegfeld's Palm Beach Girl. And again to Ziegfeld Revue of 1926.
It opened on Broadway as Ziegfeld's American Revue. During the run, Ziegfeld changed the title to No Foolin', to capitalize on a popular song that was in the score.
The show went on tour and Ziegfeld won the court battle over the title. The show was able to tour as Ziegfeld Follies of 1926.
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Ziegfeld Follies of 1926

Version 1
Ziegfeld Follies of 1926 (1926-06-Globe Theatre-Broadway) " No Foolin' "
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Lunt-Fontanne Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois Nombre : 108 représentationsPremière Preview : 24 June 1926
Première: 24 June 1926
Dernière: 25 September 1926Mise en scène : Ben Ali Haggin • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Bernice Ackerman, Wilma Ansell, Mabel Baade, Arthur Baer, James Barton, George Baxter, Elsie Behrens, Marian Benda, Beth Berri, (Miss) Blackburne, Louise Brown, Katherine Burke, Lew Christy, Thelma Connor, Velma Connor, Walter Costello, Edna Covey, Jack Cronin, Morton Croswell, Fay Culmer, (Miss) Dale, Clifford Daly, Myrna Darby, Carmine DiGiovanni, Ray Dooley, Alma Drange, Norma Dyal, Kay English, Mary Farrell, Peggy Fears, Irving Fisher, Alys Fitzgerald, Suzanne Fleming, Norma Forrest, Noel Francis, Genesko, Gladys Glad, Paulette Goddard, Ruth Grace, Yvonne Grey, Evelyn Grieg, Owen Harvey, Helen Herendeen, Mary Hopkins, Mary Jane, Flo Kennedy, Charles King, Andrew Knox, Kathleen Krosby, Eleanor Ladd, (Miss) LaMay, Miss Lane, Edna Leedom, Marjorie Leet, Claire Luce, Alice MacKenzie, Joseph Marievsky, Miss. Mason, Bert McGuinnes, Murray Minehart, George Moeser, Moran and Mack, Edward Mowen, Mary Mulhern, Victor Munro, William Murray, Barbara Newberry, Greta Nissen, Yvonne Occent, Hilda Olsen, Helen O'Shea, Leslie Ostrander, Dorothy Patterson, Katherine Penman, Anastasia Reilly, Miss Shaw, Robert Shields, Lillian Smith, Biddy Somerset, Marion Strasmick, Andrew Tombes, Polly Walker, Miss Wayne, Dorothy Wegman, Miss Williams, Miss Wilson, Yacht Club EntertainersCommentaires : Legal problems forced Ziegfeld to use a title other than Ziegfeld Follies for this edition. There was a Ziegfeld Follies of 1926, but it was a touring show promoted by the temporary owner of the title, George Wintz.
This production opened in Florday, prior to Broadway under the title Ziegfeld's Palm Beach Nights. It was changed to Ziegfeld's Palm Beach Girl. And again to Ziegfeld Revue of 1926.
It opened on Broadway as Ziegfeld's American Revue. During the run, Ziegfeld changed the title to No Foolin', to capitalize on a popular song that was in the score.
The show went on tour and Ziegfeld won the court battle over the title. The show was able to tour as Ziegfeld Follies of 1926.
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