Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Ziegfeld Follies of 1923
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Ziegfeld Follies of 1923

Version 1
Ziegfeld Follies of 1923 (1923-10-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 6 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 233 représentationsPremière Preview : 20 October 1923
Première: 20 October 1923
Dernière: 10 May 1924Mise en scène : Ned Wayburn • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Bernice Ackerman, Ethel Allis, Ruth Andrae, Wilma Ansell, Mary Bancroft, Virginia Beardsley, Doris Bennett, Mildred Billert, Lois Blackburn, Fanny Brice, Dorothy Brown, Lilly Burgess, Catherine Burke, Marie Callahan, Cynthia Cambridge, Louise Carlton, Joan Carter Waddell, Gladys Coburn, Hettie Cooper, Roy Cropper, Margaret Cummings, Marie Dahm, Helena D'Algy, May Daw, Claire DeFitamiere, Ferral Dewees, Harland Dixon, Helen Dobbins, Andre Dumont, Paulette Duval, Dorothy Ellis, Gladys Ellison, Helen Ellsworth, Alberta Faust, Hilda Ferguson, Mme. Florianne, Harriet Fowler, Catherine Gallimore, Millie Glossop, Florentine Gosnova, Hetty Graham, Roberta Grant, Sarah Granzow, Nelle Greasley, Beryl Halley, Marion Hamilton, Helen Henderson, Jean Henderson, Lew Hern, Norah Jackson, Brooke Johns, Mary Julian, Bob Karna, Elizabeth Kay, Winnie Keane, Dorothy Kelsall, Flo Kennedy, Emma Klige, Alice Knowlton, Florence Kolinsky, Margaret Langhorne, Edna Leedom, Marjorie Leet, Linda, Virginia Magee, Maud Mansfield, Harriet Marned, Phyllis Mawer, Irma McShane, Lily McWilliams, Janet Megrew, Goodie Montgomery, Inez Moreno, Rita Moriarty, Polly Nally, Alma Nash, Raymond O'Brian, Gladys Peterson, Martha Pierre, Robert Quinault, Violet Regal, Billy Revel, Addie Rolfe, William Roselle, Iris Rowe, Gertrude Selden, Peggy Shannon, Heloise Sheppard, Harry Short, Margaret Sloan, Dave Stamper, Olga Steck, Charlotte Suddath, Beatrice Thorburn, Billie Tichenor, Dorothy Van Alst, Feon Vanmar, Hazel Vergess, Vivian Vernon, Hap Ward, Betty Warrington, Nondas Wayne, Marjorie Weaver, Arthur West, Elsie Westcott, Bert Wheeler, Betty Wheeler, Paul Whiteman, Paul Whiteman's Orchestra, Lois Wilde, Doris Wilson, Dottie Wilson, Imogene Wilson, Lily Winton, Stella Wooten, Helen Lee Worthing, Alexander Yarkovleff, Ruth Zoakay
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