Whilst on tour through the Middl West with his homesick orchestra, the composer Dvorak meets Karolka, en route to join her uncle in the Czech community in Willow Falls. He decides to go with her, pretending to be just a player in his own orchestra. They find Willow Falls is not the beautiful town described by Uncle Marek, and Dvorak is forced to take a job as a piano player in Ma Flannagan’s saloon. Karolka falls in love with Ma Flannagan’s son, Shaun, but Ma Flannagan through her wicked agent, Jake, intends to foreclose on Marek’s mortgage.
Misunderstandings follow, all solved by Dvorak and there is, of course, a happy ending.
01. Prelude - Chorus
02. Flannagan's Trees - Abe, Chorus
03. Once A Year Is Not Enough - Milli & Men
04. Just Around the Corner - Korolka and chorus
05. Be She Dark, Be She Fair - Shaun and Girls
06. Cotton Tail - Abe
07. No One Told Me - Shaun
08. Sing Me A Song - Male Chorus
09. Murphy's Pig - Milli & chorus
10. Saturday Girl - Shaun and Karolka
11. One Boy Sends You A Rose - Karolka and Milli
12. Deep Blue Ev'nin' - Abe and chorus
13. I'm Not So Certain - Joe and Milli
14. Centreville Song - Chorus
15. The Day You Hit the High Road - Abe and Chorus
16. Weddin' Gown - Joe, Mili and chorus
17. Summer Song - Karolka and chorus
18. Small Town Sweetheart - Shaun
19. New York 'Ninety Three - Chorus
20. I'll Be Rememb'ring - Karolka
Singing Principals
Karolka Novak - a young Czech immigrant
Milli. - Marek's daughter
Shaun - Son of Ma Flannagan - an engineer.
Joe Gianello - a travelling salesman
Abe, a Negro man-of-all-work.
Straight Roles
"Ma" Flannagan - Boss of Valley Falls
Dr. Anton Dvorák - the famous composer
Uncle Marek - Karolka's Uncle
Smaller Roles
Feeney, a saloon keeper
Tomashek, a musician.
Blodek, a lumberman.
Gilmore, a railroad magnate.
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Summer Song

Version 1
Summer Song (1956-02-Prince's Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Shaftesbury Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 148 représentationsPremière Preview : 16 February 1956
Première: 16 February 1956
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : ???? ???? • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Sally Ann Howes (Karolka), David Hughes (Shaun), Laurence Naismith (Dvorak), Mark Daly (Uncle Marek), Marjorie Rhodes (Ma Flannagan), Derek Sydney (Jake)
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