Revue (1942)
Musique: Gypsy Rose Lee • Doris Tauber • Harold Arlen • Harold Rome • Irving Berlin • Irving Gordon • Jimmy McHugh • Lester Lee • Will Irwin •
Paroles: Gypsy Rose Lee • Al Dubin • Al Stillman • Harold Rome • Irving Berlin • Irving Gordon • Jerry Seelen • Johnny Mercer • Sis Willner •
Production à la création:
Sous la direction du maire Fiorello H. LaGuardia, le commissaire des licences de la ville de New York, Paul Moss, n’avait pas renouvelé les licences des théâtres qui présentaient des numéros de strip-tease, mais cela n’a pas empêché le producteur Michael Todd de se lancer dans le Vaudeville avec une revue somptueuse qui incorporait de vieux numéros de Burlesque avec les traditionnels strip-tease. Bien que les critiques ont mentionné que le spectacle n’était pas pour les enfants et que le deuxième acte était tout à fait (dirons-nous) révélateur, apparemment les filles ont gardé suffisamment de pastilles à mamelons pour assurer que le Music Box Theatre conserve sa licence pour les dix-huit mois prospères durant lesquels Star et Garter s'y est joué.
Acte I
“Star and Garter Girls” (lyric by Jerry Seelen, music by Lester Lee) (Gypsy Rose Lee, Star and Garter Girls)
“The Sacred Gherkin” (sketch) (Mr. Wise: Joe Lyons; Biff: Gil Maison; Boff: Pat Harrington; First Girl: Juanita Rios; Second Girl: Geraldine Hudson)
“Clap Yor (Your) Hands” (Georgia Sothern)
“That Merry Wife of Windsor” (“stolen” from William Shakespeare) (Jennie Windsor: Gypsy Rose Lee; An- drew: Bobby Clark; Gus: Joe Lyons; Victor Windsor: Eppy “Tiny” Pearson)
Gil Maison (and his dogs, The Racketeers)
“Les Sylphides avec la Bumpe” (lyric and music by Irving Gordon) (Premier Dancer: Bill Skipper; Premiere Danseuse: Kate Friedlich; La Bumpe: La Verne Lupton; Second Premier Dancer: Wayne; Third Premier Dancer: Marlin; The Star and Garter Corps de Ballet)
Wayne and Marlin; “In the Malamute Sa- loon” (music by Will Irwin) (The Ragtime Kid: Pat Harrington; The Bartender: Eppy “Tiny” Pearson; Dangerous Dan McGrew: Joe Lyons; The Lady That’s Known as Lou: Gypsy Rose Lee; A Miner: Bobby Clark; Narrator: Richard Rober)
“The Bunny” (aka “Bunny, Bunny, Bunny”) ( (lyric and music by Harold J. Rome) (Marjorie Knapp, The Star and Garter Girls; danced by The Hudson Wonders)
Professor Lamberti (assisted by Dorothy Bigby)
“The Girl on the Police Gazette” (from 1937 film On the Avenue; music and original and new lyric by Irving Berlin) (Singer: Frank Price; The Girl on the Police Gazette: Gypsy Rose Lee)
Acte II
“For a Quarter” (lyric by Jerry Seelen, music by Lester Lee) (The Candy Butchers: Bobby Clark, Pat Harrington, Eppy “Tiny” Pearson)
“The Harem” (The Dancer: Leticia; The Sultan: Glenn Marlin; The Favorite Wife: Carrie Finnell; The Star and Garter Girls; this sequence included the song “Don’t Take On More Than You Can Do,” lyric and music by Irving Gordon)
“I Can’t Strip to Brahms” (lyric and music by Gypsy Rose Lee) (Gypsy Rose [“Authoress”] Lee)
“Blues in the Night” (from 1941 film Blues in the Night; lyric by Johnny Mercer, music by Harold Arlen) (Ladies of the Night: June Sitarr, Lynn Powers, Ruth Josephs, Elnora Hayes, Cynthia Cavanaugh, Audrey Westphal, Iris Marshall, Adele Jurgens, Helene Hudson, Andrea Mann; The Evening Breeze: Leticia)
“Robert the Roue” (aka “I’m Robert the Roue from Reading, Pa.”) (from Streets of Paris, 1939; lyric by Al Dubin, music by Jimmy McHugh) (Bobby Clark, The Star and Garter Girls)
“Aired in Court” (sketch by H. I. Phillips) (Court Clerk: Joe Lyons; Judge Gabby: Bobby Clark; District Attorney: Richard Rober; Gloria Pinknee: Gypsy Rose Lee; Council for the Defense: Eppy Tiny Pearson; William Abernathy: Pat Harrington; Court Recorder: Gil Maison)
“I Don’t Get It” (lyric by Sis Willner, music by Doris Tauber) (Marjorie Knapp; danced by La Verne Lupton)
Lynn, Royce, and Vanya; “Brazilian Nuts” (lyric by Al Stillman, music by Dorival Caymmi)
(Juanita Rios, Entire Company)
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Star and Garter

Version 1
Star and Garter (1942-06-Music Box Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Music Box Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 5 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 609 représentationsPremière Preview : 24 June 1942
Première: 24 June 1942
Dernière: 04 December 1943Mise en scène : Hassard Short • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Bobby Clark, Gypsy Rose Lee, Professor Lamberti, Georgia Sothern, Carrie Finnell, Pat Harrington, Eppy (Tiny) Pearson, Gil Maison (and his dogs and monkey, The Racketeers), Leticia, Marjorie Knapp, Juanita Rios, La Verne Lupton, Frank and Jean Hubert, Lynn, Royce, and Vanya, The Hudson Wonders (Ray and Geraldine Hudson), Joe Lyons, (George) Wayne and (Glenn) Marlin, Kate Friedlich and Bill (William) Skipper, Estelle Sloan, Richard Rober, Artie Conroy, Frank Price; Dancing Girls: Sunny Wright, Puddy Smith, Frances Hammond, Virginia Howe, Terry Lasky, Lorraine Latham, Janice Wallace, June Powers, Ruthe Reid, Jo Ann Flanagan, June MacLaren, Mimi Berry, Charlotte Lorraine, Betty Lee, Gloria Anderson, Margaret Kayes: Show Girls: June Sitarr, Andrea Mann, Helene Hudson, Audrey Westphal, Cynthia Cava-naugh, Lynn Powers, Adele Jurgens, Iris Marshall, Mary Lawrence, Ruth Josephs; Singers: Helen Price, Nina Dean, Carol Deis, Bob Lenn, Helen McCartney, Bill Marel,
Richard Finney, Lipman Dukat
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