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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Sing Out the News

Version 1
Sing Out the News (1938-09-Music Box Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Music Box Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 105 représentationsPremière Preview : 24 September 1938
Première: 24 September 1938
Dernière: 07 January 1939Mise en scène : Charles Friedman • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Phil Loeb, Hiram Sherman, Mary Jane Walsh, Will Geer, Dorothy (Kennedy) Fox, Rex Ingram, Michael Loring, Ginger Manners, Leslie Litomy, Joey Faye, Daisy Bernier, Charles Lawrence, Christina Lind, Burton Pierce; The Virginians (Bruce Rogers, Edwin Smith, Bruce Barclay, Howard Warriner, Ranolds Dupler, Tomas Mitchell, John Barry, and Edward Galloway); Ensemble: Women—June Allyson, Sibol Cain, Ethel Brown, Lillyn Brown, Elizabeth Dozier, Eleanor Eberle, Sally Ellis, Miriam Franklin, Jane Fraser, Rosalind Gordon, Edith Gresham, Lydia Holmes, Georgia Jarvis, Kathryn Lazell, Thelma Lee, Henrietta Lovelace, Elizabeth McDowell, Estelle McDowell, Sadie McGill, Shirley Macy, Wanda Macy, Portia Patterson, Jackie Petty, Mrs. Petty (so listed in program, and apparently not the performer Jackie Petty, who also appeared in the production), Hazel Scott, Maude Simmons, Madelyn White, Musa Williams; Men—Add Bates, John Benton, Will Brown, Warren Coleman, Traverse Crawford, Fred Deming, Joel Friend, Chick Gagnon, Otho Gains, Ray Harrison, Bertram Holmes, Richard Huey, Cecil Jackson, George Jones Jr., Gus Jones, Dudley King, Carrington Lewis, Harry Lewis, James Lillard, Jimmy Lydon, Emmett Matthews (possibly Mathews), Elmaurice Miller, Michael Moore, Fred Nay, Bob Norris, Bernard Pearce, Ben Ross, Herbert Sumpter, Grant Timmons, Sonny Timmons, Albert Tinney, William Tinney, Benjamin (aka Ben) Wailes, Clarence Wheeler, Louie Williams, Harry Woodford
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