1 Shuffle Along of 1933 peut-être considéré comme un Flop musical
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Shuffle Along of 1933

Version 1
Shuffle Along of 1933 (1932-12-Mansfield Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Brooks Atkinson Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 semaine Nombre : 17 représentationsPremière Preview : 26 December 1932
Première: 26 December 1932
Dernière: 07 January 1933Mise en scène : Walter Brooks • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Lavaida Carter (Edith Wilkes), Marshall Rodgers (Taxi Ben), Edith Wilson (Mrs. Jones), Mantan Moreland (Caesar Jones), Louise Williams (Customer), George Jones Jr. (Jim Williams), Fay Conty (possibly Canty) (Sylvia Williams), Noble Sissle (Tom Sharp), Flournoy E. Miller (Steve Jenkins), George McClennon (Dave Coffey), Clarence Robinson (Harry Walton), Vivienne Baber (Alice Walker), Howard Hill (Sam), Taps Miller (Farmer Taps), Joe Willis (Sheriff), James Arnold (Summons Server), Catherine Brooks (Stenographer), Herman Reed (Office Boy), Ida Brown (Telephone Girl), Romaine Johns (Shipping Clerk), Adolph Henderson (Waiter); At the piano: Eubie Blake; Singers: Louise Williams, Ida Brown, Catherine Brooks, Aurora Edwards, Annis Davis, Roy Holland, Adolph Henderson, Douglass Felix, Rudolph Scott, Herman Reed, Bernie Brown, Larry Seymour, Joe Willis, Romaine Johns, James Arnold, Tony Gaytzera, James Anderson, David Collins; Dancing Girls: Julia Moses, Roberta Lowery, Dorothy Williams, Eloise Thompson, Grayce Browne, Carolyn Rich, Claudette Heyward, Nannine Joyce, Thelma Salmons, Iris Parker, Peggy Wharton, Mildred Roberts, Virginia Braunnum (possibly Brannum), Lyle Smith, Edna Mae Holly; Dancing Boys: Willie Avant, Roy Carter, Arthur Daily, Taps Miller, Bill Bailey, Derby Wilson, Henry Williams; Dance Specialty: The Four Flash Devils
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