Première revue New Faces.
Leonard Sillman (9 mai 1908 - 23 janvier 1982) était un producteur américain de Broadway. Né à Détroit, Michigan, le 9 mai 1908, il était le frère de June Carroll, le beau-frère de Sidney Carroll et l’oncle de Steve Reich et Jonathan Carroll. Il a produit une série de revues musicales, Leonard Sillman’s New Faces, qui a présenté de nombreuses grandes stars au public de Broadway, telles que Henry Fonda, Eartha Kitt, Imogene Coca, Inga Swenson, John Lund, Van Johnson, Carol Lawrence, Madeline Kahn, Paul Lynde et Maggie Smith. Des versions de New Faces ont été produites en 1934, 1936 (adapté dans le film New Faces of 1937), 1943, 1952 (adapté dans le film New Faces), 1956, 1962 et 1968. Les tout premiers New Faces en 1934 comprenaient les acteurs Henry Fonda, Imogene Coca et Frances Dewey Wormser.
L’auteur-compositeur Arthur Siegel, qui a contribué à de nombreuses chansons de la série et de l’émission de radio New Faces, a décrit la philosophie de Sillman: «Il croyait qu’une revue devait être un pot-pourri, une bouillabaisse, dans laquelle il y en avait pour tous les goûts. Le rythme était très important. Il ne voulait pas donner au public l’occasion de réfléchir à ce qu’il venait de voir. La musique devait être non-stop.»
Act I
“New Faces” (lyric by Nancy Hamilton, music by Martha Caples) (James Shelton, Roger Stearns, Company)
“Embarrassing Moment” (O. Z. Whitehead, assisted by Helen O'Hara, Gordon Orme, Henry Fonda)
“Something You Lack” (dialogue by Viola Brothers Shore, lyric by Nancy Hamilton and June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Girl: Imogene Coca; Sailor: Charles Walters; Tired Girl: Hildegarde Halliday; Tired Boy: Kenneth Bates)
“Katharine Hepburn Gets in the Mood for Little Women" (sketch by Nancy Hamilton) (Katharine Hepburn: Nancy Hamilton; Director: Kenneth Bates; Cameraman: Gordon Orme; Stage Hands: James Shelton, Roger Stearns, Edward Potter; Props: Helen O'Hara, June McNulty, Frances Dewey)
“Strange Interlude” (Henry Fonda, Imogene Coca, Marvin Lawler, Alan Handley)
“Visitors Ashore” (lyric by Everett Marcy and Nancy Hamilton, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Louise Lynch, assisted by Mildred Todd and Gordon Orme)
“Ferry Tale” (sketch by Norman Levy and Viola Brothers Shore) (Dockhand: Harry Peterson; Girl: Frances Dewey; Captain: Alan Handley; Mate: Kenneth Bates; Stewards: Edward Potter and Charles Walters; Cabin Boy: Gustave Schirmer; Detective: Reeder Boss; Passengers: Hildegarde Halliday, Edith Sheridan, Sandra Gould, Roger Stearns, Marvin Lawler, James Shelton, Moyne Rice, Billy Haywood, Helen O'Hara, Beverly Phalon, June McNulty)
“Lamplight” (lyric and music by James Shelton) (James Shelton, and “illustrated by” Imogene Coca and Henry Fonda)
“The Byrd Influence” (lyric by June Sillman and Nancy Hamilton, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Penguins: Frances Dewey, Reed McClelland, Ensemble)
“An Afternoon with the English Juvenile Players” (sketch by Nancy Hamilton) (Introduction by Kenneth Bates; Aubrey: Nancy Hamilton; Cecily: Peggy Hovenden; Bertie: Edward Potter; Cholmondley: Roger Stearns; Butler: Alan Handley)
“Frustration” (music by Morgan Lewis) (choreography by Dorothy Kennedy Fox) (Introduced by Sandra Gould, Beverly Phalon, Grace Gray, and Imogene Coca; danced by Dorothy Kennedy Fox)
“Laughter on the Air" (sketch by Viola Brothers Shore) (Mr. Arbuckle: Leonard Sillman; Miss Chick and Mr. Dick: Frances Dewey and Henry Fonda; Mr. Sims: Roger Stearns; Miss Pertwhistle: Mildred Todd; Radio Artists: Company)
“The Gangster Influence” (lyric by Viola Brothers Shore and June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Girl: Imogene Coca; Boy: Charles Walters)
“Music in My Heart” (lyric by June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Girl: Edith Sheridan; Boy: Gordon Orme; Cupid and Psyche: James Shelton and Peggy Hovenden)
“Important Question” (sketch by Nancy Hamilton) (Nancy Hamilton, O. Z. Whitehead)
“Brief Mo- ment” (Henry Fonda, Imogene Coca, Marvin Lawler, Alan Handley); “My Last Affair” (lyric and music by Haven Johnson) (Billy Haywood, assisted by Cliff Allen)
“We Also Recognize Russia”: (1) “Double Bed” (sketch by John Goodwin and Viola Brothers Shore) (Peggy Hovenden and Edward Potter); (2) “The Village Gossip” (lyric by J. J. Robbins, music by Sandro Corona) (Jeanne Palmer; danced by Louise Lynch, Nancy Hamilton, Edith Sheridan, James Shelton, Kenneth Bates, and Alan Handley); and (3) “Mouse Trap” (sketch by William Griffith) (Ermingarde: Hildegarde Halliday; Pythias: O. Z. Whitehead; Guard: Henry Fonda)
“We Also Recognize Harlem": (1) “Emperor Jones” (lyric by June Sillman, music by Donald Honrath and George Grande) (Taxi Starter: Leonard Sillman) and (2) “The Coal Bin” (sequence includes “Timely Rhythm,” lyric and music by George Hickman; at least one source gives song's title as “Smoky Rhythm”) (Louise Lynch, Billy Haywood, Company)
Acte II
“Service with a Smile” (lyric by Viola Brothers Shore and June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Bartenders: Alan Handley, Henry Fonda, Gordon Orme, Kenneth Bates, Roger Stearns, Harry Peterson, Edward Potter; Busboy: Marvin Lawler)
“The Gutter Song” (lyric and music by James Shelton) (James Shelton)
“You're My Relaxation” (lyric by Robert Sour, music by Charles Schwab) (Girl and Boy: Frances Dewey and Gordon Orme; A Woman: Hildegarde Halliday; The Woman's Relaxation: Alan Handley; Quartette: June McNulty, Grace Gray, Reeder Boss, and Marvin Lawler)
“Six Managers in Search of an Actress—As They Never Are” (sequence suggested by Leonard Sillman; dialogue and lyric by Nancy Hamilton, music by Martha Caples) (Miss Smith's Secretary: Mildred Todd; Guthrie McClintic: Edward Potter; Theatre Guild: Kenneth Bates; Max Gordon: Henry Fonda; Daniel Frohman: Roger Stearns; Jed Harris: Leonard Sillman; Noel Coward: James Shelton; Gertrude Lawrence: Imogene Coca; A Producer: Reed McClelland)
“Modern Madrigal” (lyric by Viola Brothers Shore and June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Singer: Edith Sheridan; Troubadours: Louise Lynch, Jean Briggs, Gordon Orme, and Alan Handley)
“Position in Life” (sketch by Mindret Lord) (Nancy Hamilton, Roger Stearns)
“Bird in Hand” (Henry Fonda, Imogene Coca, Marvin Lawler, Alan Handley)
“The Petroushka Influence"—"“Harlequinade” (story by Jeannie McPherson, music by Donald Honrath) (Harlequin: Leonard Sillman; Columbine: Beverly Phalon; Puppeteers: Kenneth Bates and Henry Fonda)
“The Disney Influence” (sketch by Nancy Hamilton) (Ermingarde: Hildegarde Halliday; Pythias: O. Z. Whitehead): (1) “The Green Bay Tree” (Julian: Henry Fonda; Dulcimer: Edward Potter; Trump: Roger Stearns; Leonora: Peggy Hovenden; (2) “Ah, Wilderness!” (Boy: Gustave Schirmer; Girl: Frances Dewey); and (3) “Tobacco Road” (Dude: James Shelton; Jeeter: Charles Walters; Ellymae: Moyne Rice; Grandma: Helen O'Hara)
“Gloomy Heaven” (lyric by Harold Goldman, music by Walter Feldcamp) (Louise Lynch)
“Cause You Won't Play House” (choreography by Morgan Lewis) (lyric by E. Y. Harburg, music by Morgan Lewis) (Imogene Coca and Charles Walters)
“Chez De L'éclair” (sketch by Beth Wendel and Viola Brothers Shore) (Customer: Sandra Gould; Princess: Peggy Hovenden; Mrs. Finklebaum: Edith Sheridan; Madame de Eclaire: Jean Briggs; Renee: Mildred Todd; Models: Moyne Rice, Beverly Phalon, Louise Lynch)
“Vaudeville Turn” (sketch by Carl Randall) (Hildegarde Halliday)
“So Low” (lyric by Nancy Hamilton and June Sillman, music by Donald Honrath) (Louise Lynch, Edith Sheridan, Jean Briggs, Company; Dancers: Charles Walters, Imogene Coca, Leonard Sillman, Dorothy Kennedy Fox, James Shelton, Roger Stearns)
“Little Accident” (Henry Fonda)
“People of Taste” (dialogue and lyrics by Nancy Hamilton, music by Martha Caples) (remarks by Jean Briggs): (1) “277 Park Avenue” (Roger Stearns); (2) “45 East 52nd Street” (Louise Lynch, Jean Briggs); (3) “253 West 25th” (Edward Potter); (4) “4222 East 30th” (Peggy Hovenden, Moyne Rice); (5) “At Elsa Maxwell's” (Company)
“Three’s a Crowd” (Imogene Coca, Henry Fonda, Marvin Lawler, Alan Handley)
“He Loves Me” (lyric by Nancy Hamilton, music by Cliff Allen) (Billy Haywood, Ensemble; danced by Leonard Sillman)
“Swing Song" (sketch by Viola Brothers Shore) (Collette: Helen O'Hara; Andre: James Shelton; Raoul: Leonard Sillman; Louis: Roger Stearns; Pierre: Edward Potter; Doctor Eisenblot: Henry Fonda)
“Spring Song” (lyric by Viola Brothers Shore and June Sillman, music by Warburton Guilbert) (Edith Sheridan)
“On the Other Hand" (lyric by Nancy Hamilton, music by Martha Caples) (Nancy Hamilton)
“Look at Me, Please” (lyric and music by James Shelton) (Roger Stearns, Company)
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant New Faces of 1934
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant New Faces of 1934

Version 1
New Faces of 1934 (1934-03-Fulton Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Helen Hayes Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 4 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 149 représentationsPremière Preview : 15 March 1934
Première: 15 March 1934
Dernière: 21 July 1934Mise en scène : Leonard Sillman • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Leonard Sillman, Imogene Coca, Nancy Hamilton, Louise (Teddy) Lynch, Hildegarde Halliday, Dorothy Kennedy Fox (later known as Dorothy Fox), Frances Dewey, Billy (aka Billie) Haywood, Charles Walters (program gives last name as Walter), James Shelton, Roger Stearns, O. Z. Whitehead, Henry Fonda, Edith Sheridan, Kenneth Bates, Helen O'Hara, Jean Briggs, Peggy Hovenden, Mildred Todd, Edward Potter, Gordon Orme, Alan (some sources indicate Allen) Handley, Cliff Allen, Marvin Lawler, Marvin Parks, Dolores Hart, Jeanne Palmer, Harry Peterson, Gustave (Gus) Schirmer, Reeder Boss, Reed McClelland, Beverly Phalon, Sandra Gould, Moyne Rice, Grace Gray, June
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