Jacob vit au pays de Canaan avec ses douze fils. Joseph, le cadet, est son enfant préféré. Jacob lui offre une superbe tunique de plusieurs couleurs, ce qui exacerbe la jalousie de ses autres fils. Joseph fait un rêve qui signifie qu’il connaîtra la réussite, contrairement à ses frères. Les frères de Joseph, exaspérés, décident de le jeter dans un puits. Ils vendent finalement Joseph comme esclave et le font passer pour mort auprès de Jacob en lui présentant la tunique de Joseph tâchée de sang (celui d’un animal, en réalité).
Arrivé en Egypte, Joseph se retrouve injustement en prison, où il interprète avec succès les rêves d’autres prisonniers. Ses dons reconnus lui permettent d’approcher le Pharaon, qui est en proie à d’étranges rêves. Joseph lui explique que sept années de plein essor (symbolisées par sept vaches grasses) seront suivies de sept années de famine (représentées par sept vaches maigres). Grâce à ce présage, l’Egypte fait des réserves afin d’éviter la pénurie le moment venu et, en retour, Joseph connaît une belle ascension.
Pendant la période de famine, les frères de Joseph viennent chercher de la nourriture en Egypte. Ils rencontrent Joseph, qui a atteint un rang élevé, sans le reconnaître. Joseph tente de savoir si ses frères ont changé. Il accuse son frère Benjamin d’être un voleur. Tous ses frères prennent sa défense. Conscient que ses frères sont devenus honnêtes, Joseph révèle sa véritable identité et peut retrouver sa famille à Canaan.
Act I
The story is based on the Biblical story of Joseph, found in the Book of Genesis. It is set in a frame in which a narrator is telling a story (sometimes to children, encouraging them to dream). She then tells the story of Joseph, another dreamer ("Prologue," "Any Dream Will Do"). In the beginning of the main story Jacob and his 12 sons are introduced ("Jacob and Sons"). Joseph's brothers are jealous of him for his coat of many colours, a symbol of their father's preference for him ("Joseph's Coat"). It is clear from Joseph's dreams that he is destined to rule over them ("Joseph's Dreams"). To get rid of him and prevent the dreams from coming true, they attempt fratricide, but then they sell Joseph as a slave to some passing Ishmaelites ("Poor, Poor Joseph"), who take him to Egypt.
Back home, his brothers, led by Reuben and accompanied by their wives, break the news to Jacob that Joseph has been killed. They show his tattered coat smeared with his blood – really goat blood – as proof that what they say is true ("One More Angel in Heaven"). After the bereft Jacob leaves, the brothers and their wives happily celebrate the loss of Joseph.
In Egypt, Joseph is the slave of Egyptian millionaire Potiphar. He rises through the ranks of slaves and servants until he is running Potiphar's house. When Mrs. Potiphar makes advances, Joseph spurns her. She removes his shirt, feels his chest and back, squeezes his rear and blows him kisses. Potiphar overhears, barges in, sees the two together – and jumps to conclusions ("Potiphar"). Outraged, he throws Joseph in jail. Depressed, Joseph laments the situation ("Close Every Door") – but his spirits rise when he helps two prisoners put in his cell. Both are former servants of the Pharaoh and both have had bizarre dreams. Joseph interprets them. One cellmate, the Baker, will be executed, but the other, the Butler, will be returned to service. Upon hearing this, the rest of the prisoners surround Joseph and encourage him to go after his dreams ("Go, Go, Go Joseph").
Act II
The Narrator tells of impending changes in Joseph's fortunes ("A Pharaoh Story") because the Pharaoh is having dreams that no-one can interpret. Now freed, the Butler tells Pharaoh (acted in the style of Elvis Presley) of Joseph and his dream interpretation skills ("Poor, Poor Pharaoh"). Pharaoh orders Joseph to be brought in and the king tells him his dream involving seven fat cows, seven skinny cows, seven healthy ears of corn, and seven dead ears of corn ("Song of the King").
Joseph interprets the dream as seven plentiful years of crops followed by seven years of famine ("Pharaoh's Dreams Explained"). An astonished Pharaoh puts Joseph in charge of carrying out the preparations needed to endure the impending famine, and Joseph becomes the most powerful man in Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh ("Stone the Crows"). (Note: In the 2007 London revival, Pharaoh has a new song, "King of my Heart").
Back home, the famine has caught up with Joseph's brothers, who – led by the brother Simeon – express regret at selling him and deceiving their father ("Those Canaan Days"). They hear Egypt still has food and decide to go there to beg for mercy and to be fed, not realising that they will be dealing with Joseph ("The Brothers Come to Egypt"). He gives them sacksful of food and sends them on their way, but plants a golden cup in the sack of his youngest brother, Benjamin ("Grovel, Grovel"). When the brothers try to leave, Joseph stops them, asking about the "stolen cup". Each brother empties his sack, and it is revealed that Benjamin has the cup. Joseph then accuses Benjamin of robbery ("Who's the Thief?"). The other brothers, led by Judah, beg for mercy for Benjamin, imploring that Joseph take them prisoner and set Benjamin free ("Benjamin Calypso").
Seeing their selflessness and penitence, Joseph reveals himself ("Joseph All the Time") and sends for his father. The two are reunited ("Jacob in Egypt") for a happy conclusion and Joseph dons his coloured coat once more ("Finale: Any Dream Will Do (Reprise)/Give Me My Coloured Coat").
In some productions, the finale is followed by a rock/disco medley of most of the musical's major numbers ("Joseph Megamix").
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical with lyrics by Tim Rice. The story is based on the "coat of many colors" story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis. This was the first Lloyd Webber and Rice musical to be performed publicly. (Their first musical, The Likes of Us, written in 1965, was not performed until 2005.)
Joseph was first presented as a 15-minute pop cantata at Colet Court School in London in 1968 and was recorded as a concept album in 1969. After the success of the next Lloyd Webber and Rice piece, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph received stage productions beginning in 1970 and expanded recordings in 1971 and 1972. While still undergoing various transformations and expansions, the musical was produced in the West End in 1973, and in its full format was recorded in 1974 and opened on Broadway in 1982. Several major revivals and a 1999 straight-to-video film, starring Donny Osmond, followed.
The show has little spoken dialogue; it is completely sung-through. Its family-friendly storyline, universal themes and catchy music have resulted in numerous productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat; according to the Really Useful Group, by 2008 more than 20,000 schools and amateur theatre groups had successfully put on productions.
Lloyd Webber's composer father, William, felt the show had the seeds of greatness. He encouraged and arranged for a second performance — at his church, Westminster Central Hall — with a revised and expanded format. The boys of Colet Court sang at this performance in May 1968, which also included the Mixed Bag. It received positive reviews: London's Sunday Times said it was a new pop oratorio. By its third performance at St Paul's Cathedral in November 1968, it had been expanded to 35 minutes and included songs such as "Potiphar".
Novello agreed to publish the work, and Decca Records recorded it in 1969 as a concept album. David Daltrey, front man of British psychedelic band Tales of Justine, played the role of Joseph; and Tim Rice was Pharaoh. Other vocalists included Terry Saunders and Malcolm Parry of the Mixed Bag.
In 1970, Lloyd Webber and Rice used the popularity of their second rock opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, to promote Joseph, which was advertised in America as a "follow-up" to Superstar. Riding on Jesus' coattails proved profitable for Joseph, as the U.S. Decca recording of Superstar had been in the top of America's charts for three months. The first American production of Joseph was in May 1970, at Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception in Douglaston, New York. Following this, according to Lloyd Webber's Really Useful site, "there followed huge interest from colleges and schools."
A recording of the musical, with 12 tracks, was issued in the U.S. on Scepter Records in 1971. It featured David Daltrey as Joseph, Tim Rice as Pharaoh, Andrew Lloyd Webber on the organ, Alan Doggett conducting, various solo vocalists and instrumentalists, and the Colet Court choir as the chorus.
In late August and September 1972, Joseph was presented at the Edinburgh International Festival by the Young Vic Theatre Company, directed by Frank Dunlop. It starred Gary Bond in the title role, Peter Reeves as the narrator, and Gordon Waller as Pharaoh. In October the production played at London's Young Vic Theatre, and in November at the Roundhouse. The production was part of a double bill called Bible One: Two Looks at the Book of Genesis. Part I, entitled The Genesis Mediaeval Mystery Plays: The Creation to Jacob (at the Young Vic originally called simply Mediaeval Mystery Plays), was Dunlop's reworking of the first six of the medieval Wakefield Mystery Plays, with music by Alan Doggett. Part II was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The Young Vic production was recorded for an LP released on the RSO label in 1972. This production was also televised in the UK by Granada Television in 1972.
In February 1973, theatre producer Michael White and impresario Robert Stigwood mounted the Young Vic production at the Albery Theatre in the West End, where it ran for 243 performances. The mystery plays which had preceded the original Young Vic productions were dropped, and instead the musical was preceded by a piece called Jacob's Journey, with music and lyrics by Lloyd Webber and Rice and a book by television comedy writers Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
The new opening piece, Jacob's Journey, which contained a great deal of spoken dialogue, was eventually phased out in favour of a completely sung-through score. The first production of the show in its modern, final form was at the Haymarket Theatre in Leicester, which presented the musical several times in the mid- to late-1970s.
A recording of the full musical was released on the MCA label in 1974, again featuring Gary Bond, Peter Reeves, and Gordon Waller. This is the earliest recording of Joseph to eventually go to CD. Gordon Waller also appeared on another recording in 1979, featuring Tim Rice as the Narrator and Paul Jones as Joseph, on the Music For Pleasure label.
In 1975 Miranda Enterprises in association with Leicester Theatre Company presented a production of Joseph at the Queen's Theatre, Hornchurch. It was directed by Paul Tomlinson, Choreographed by David Thornton, and Designed by Hugh Durrant, with Chris Littlewood as the Musical Director. This production starred Patrick Ryecart as Joseph, David Sadgrove as Pharaoh, and had three Narrators: Nigel Baldwin, Ben Bazell, and Patrick Reilley.
Ken Hill directed a large-scale production of Joseph at the Westminster Theatre, London, which ran from November 1978 to February 1979, and again from November 1979 to February 1980. This production starred Paul Jones as Joseph, John Golder as the Narrator, and Leonard Whiting as Pharaoh. The producer was Martin Gates, the Musical Director was Jack Forsyth, the Lighting Designer was Francis Reed, and the Designer was Saul Radomsky.
With Jason Donovan in the lead, the expanded show was restaged in 1991 at the London Palladium with Steven Pimlott as director, winning the 1992 Laurence Olivier Award for set design. The cast album of this production was the #1 UK album for two weeks in September 1991, and the single "Any Dream Will Do" from it was also the #1 UK single for two weeks in June–July 1991. When Donovan left, former children's TV presenter Phillip Schofield portrayed Joseph.
Act I
Prologue - Narrator
Any Dream Will Do - Joseph, Children
Jacob and Sons - Narrator, Brothers, Wives, Children, Ensemble
Joseph's Coat - Jacob, Joseph, Narrator, Brothers, Wives, Children, Ensemble
Joseph's Dreams - Narrator, Brothers, Joseph
Poor, Poor Joseph - Narrator, Brothers, Children
One More Angel in Heaven - Reuben, Narrator, Brothers, Wives, Jacob, Children
Potiphar - Children, Narrator, Male Ensemble, Mrs Potiphar, Potiphar, Joseph
Close Every Door - Joseph, Children
Go, Go, Go Joseph - Narrator, Butler, Baker, Ensemble, Joseph, Guru, Children
Act II
Pharaoh's Story - Narrator, Children
Poor, Poor Pharaoh - Narrator, Butler, Pharaoh, Children
Song of the King - Pharaoh, Ensemble
Pharaoh's Dream Explained - Joseph, Ensemble, Children
Stone the Crows - Narrator, Pharaoh, Children, Joseph, Female Ensemble
King of My Heart - Pharaoh
Those Canaan Days - Simeon, Jacob, Brothers
The Brothers Come To Egypt/Grovel, Grovel - Narrator, Brothers, Joseph, Female Ensemble, Children
Who's the Thief? - Joseph, Brothers, Female Ensemble
Benjamin Calypso - Judah, Brothers (but Benjamin), Female Ensemble
Joseph All the Time - Narrator, Joseph, Children
Jacob in Egypt - Narrator, Jacob, Children, Ensemble
Any Dream Will Do (Reprise) - Joseph, Narrator, Ensemble, Jacob, Children
Give Me My Colored Coat - Joseph, Children, Ensemble
Joseph Megamix - Ensemble
Notable in the composition of the music is the variety of styles used by Lloyd Webber, including parodies of French ballads ("Those Canaan Days"), Elvis-inspired rock and roll ("Song of the King"), western ("One More Angel In Heaven"), 1920s Charleston ("Potiphar"), Calypso ("Benjamin Calypso") and disco ("Go, Go, Go Joseph"). Often, productions will make costume and prop changes to reflect each of the various musical styles.
"Prologue" is a late addition to the show, not included in any recordings produced before the 1982 Broadway production; the use of "Any Dream Will Do" at the start of the show (and the renaming of the closing version as per the above list) dates from the 1991 revival.
The UK touring production circa 1983-1987 (produced by Bill Kenwright), included an additional song "I Don't Think I'm Wanted Back At Home", which was originally part of Jacob's Journey.[27] Sung by the title character, the brothers jokingly throw Joseph out of the family home, throwing a number of props at the lone Joseph who is seen in a spotlight – first a suitcase, then a cane and top hat, leaving our hero to tap-dance his way to the end of the number. The tune has been recycled into numbers in By Jeeves and The Likes of Us.
Narrator: A woman (in original productions, a man), not of the time or place of the action. The Narrator tells the story through word and song, guiding the audience gently through the story of Joseph and his brothers, usually gives meaning to the story with her/his words.
Jacob: The father of twelve sons, his favorite being Joseph. At times he may appear unfair and shallow, but he is, more importantly, the prophet who recognizes the future and the calling of Joseph, thus saving the House of Israel.
Joseph: Obviously his father’s favorite, Joseph early on shows a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble with his brothers when he predicts his future will include ruling over the other eleven. However, it saves his life when in Egypt he correctly interprets Pharaoh’s dreams. In the end he has risen to a great position of power, but he still forgives his brothers and brings his family to Egypt to partake of the bounty he has accumulated there.
Three Ladies: These multi-talented women appear in the play as many characters: Jacob’s wives, saloon girls, dancing girls, and so on.
Ishmaelites: Men of the desert, they buy Joseph as a slave, take him to Egypt, and sell him to Potiphar.
Potiphar: A powerful and rich Egyptian, Potiphar purchases Joseph and puts him to work in his household, where he soon realizes that Joseph is honest, hard-working, and a great addition to his pool of help. When he grows suspicious of his wife and Joseph, however, he grows angry and has Joseph thrown into prison.
Mrs. Potiphar: Beautiful and scheming, Mrs. Potiphar tries to seduce Joseph, but is unsuccessful. However, she does manage to rip off much of his clothing just as her husband comes into the room, thus condemning him to prison.
Baker: One of Pharaoh servants, the Baker is in prison with Joseph who correctly interprets his dreams and predicts that he will be put to death.
Butler: Another of Pharaoh servants, the Butler is also in prison with Joseph who also correctly interprets his dreams, this time that he will be released and taken back into Pharaoh's household. It is the Butler who tells Pharaoh about Joseph and his uncanny ability with dreams.
Pharaoh: The most powerful man in Egypt, Pharaoh is considered a god on earth. When Joseph interprets his dreams, he promotes him to one of the highest positions in his government. In most productions, Pharaoh is portrayed as an Elvis Presley-style figure.
Joseph's Eleven Brothers: Although acting usually as a group, they each have their own different personalities, talents, and flaws. As a group they sell Joseph into slavery, but as individuals they deal with the following years and how they can make amends. They sing and dance their way through many situations and places. The performers also double as Egyptians in many cases.
01 Reuben: Eldest son of Jacob; showed kindness to Joseph and was the means of saving his life when his other brothers would have put him to death.
02 Simeon: Second son of Jacob; detained by Joseph in Egypt as a hostage.
03 Levi: Third son of Jacob, by Leah; he went down with Jacob into Egypt.
04 Judah: Fourth son of Jacob; he pleads with Joseph when Benjamin is falsely arrested for theft of a goblet; one of his descendants was to be the Messiah.
05 Dan: Fifth son of Jacob, by Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid.
06 Naphtali: Sixth son of Jacob, by Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid.
07 Gad: Seventh son of Jacob, by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid.
08 Asher: Eighth son of Jacob, by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid;.
09 Issachar: Ninth son of Jacob.
10 Zebulun: Tenth son of Jacob; he had three sons.
11 Benjamin: Twelfth son of Jacob. Joseph accuses him of stealing the golden cup. After Joseph went missing Benjamin was beloved.
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Version 1
Joseph … (2014-06-Freilichtspiele-Tecklenburg)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg (Tecklenburg - Allemagne) Durée : 2 mois Nombre : Première Preview : 21 June 2014
Première: 21 June 2014
Dernière: 24 August 2014Mise en scène : Werner Bauer • Chorégraphie : Kati Heidebrecht • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Alexander Klaws (Joseph), Sandy Mölling (Erzählerin), Julian Looman (Pharao), Reinhard Brussmann (Jakob), Thomas Hohler (Simeon), Alexander Bellinkx (Ruben), Sebastian Smulders (Judah), Sebastian Brandmeir (Gad / Butler), Benjamin Witthoff (Potiphar / Asser), Andrew Hill (Levi), Jan Altenbockum (Dan), Marco Herse Foti (Naphtali), Jürgen Brehm (Isaccher / Bäcker), Florian Theiler (Sebulon), Cihan Demir (Benjamin), Juliane Bischoff (Ensemble), Sophie Blümel (Ensemble), Yael de Vries (Ensemble), Esther Mink (Ensemble), Daniela Römer (Ensemble), Marthe Römer (Ensemble), Silja Schenk (Ensemble), Giulia Sophia Young (Ensemble)

Version 3
Joseph … (1972-10-Young Vic-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Young Vic Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Main StageDurée : 1 semaine Nombre : 16 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 16 October 1972
Dernière: 28 October 1972Mise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph ... Gary Bond / Jacob ... Alex McAvoy / Narrator ... Peter Reeves / Mrs. Potiphar ... Joan Heal / Potiphar ... Gavin Reed / Butler ... Andrew Robertson / Mrs. Jacob ... Julia McCarthy / Brother ... Paul Brooke, Ian Charleson, Jeremy James-TaylorCommentaires longs: Il s'agit du transfert la production du Festival d'Edinburgh (1972) et après un passsage au Rondhouse en novembre, sera transféré au Noël Conward Theatre, dans le West End.
The production was the second part of a show called Bible One: Two Looks at the Book of Genesis. Part I, The Genesis Mediaeval Mystery Plays: The Creation to Jacob (which, at the Young Vic was originally called Mediaeval Mystery Plays), was Frank Dunlop's reworking of the first six Wakefield Mystery Plays, with music by Alan Doggett.

Version 4
Joseph … (1972-11-Roundhouse-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Roundhouse (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 27 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 08 November 1972
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph ... Gary Bond / Jacob ... Alex McAvoy / Narrator ... Peter Reeves / Mrs. Potiphar ... Joan Heal / Potiphar ... Gavin Reed / Butler ... Andrew Robertson / Mrs. Jacob ... Julia McCarthy / Brother ... Paul Brooke, Ian Charleson, Jeremy James-TaylorCommentaires longs: Il s'agit du transfert la production du Festival d'Edinburgh (1972), transférée au Young Vic en ocotbre et après ce passsage au Rondhouse en novembre, sera transféré au Noël Conward Theatre, dans le West End.
The production was the second part of a show called Bible One: Two Looks at the Book of Genesis. Part I, The Genesis Mediaeval Mystery Plays: The Creation to Jacob (which, at the Young Vic was originally called Mediaeval Mystery Plays), was Frank Dunlop's reworking of the first six Wakefield Mystery Plays, with music by Alan Doggett.

Version 5
Joseph … (1973-02-Noel Coward Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Noel Coward Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : 243 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 17 February 1973
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Frank Dunlop • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph ... Gary Bond / Jacob ... Alex McAvoy / Narrator ... Peter Reeves / Mrs. Potiphar ... Joan Heal / Potiphar ... Gavin Reed / Butler ... Andrew Robertson / Mrs. Jacob ... Julia McCarthy / Brother ... Paul Brooke, Ian Charleson, Jeremy James-TaylorCommentaires longs: Il s'agit du transfert la production du Festival d'Edinburgh (1972), transférée au Young Vic en octobre puis au Rondhouse en novembre

Version 6
Joseph … (1979-11-Westminster Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: The Other Palace (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Main TheatreDurée : Nombre : 142 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 01 November 1979
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Ken Hill • Chorégraphie : Francesca Lucy • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Paul Jones (Joseph), Philip Summerscales (Jacob), Clive Griffin (Benjamin), Frank Coda (Potiphar), Lisa Westcott (Potiphar’s Wife), Maynard Williams (Pharaoh), Clifton Todd (Narrator),

Version 7
Joseph … (1980-12-Vaudeville Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Vaudeville Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 15 December 1980
Dernière: 07 March 1981Mise en scène : Bill Kenwright • Chorégraphie : Henry Metcalf • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Jess Conrad (Joseph), Peter Lawrence (Jacob/Potiphar), John Melvin (Benjamin), Mandy Demetriou (Potiphar’s Wife), Dave Mayberry (Pharaoh), Leo Andrew (Narrator), Roy Miles, Hugh Janes

Version 8
Joseph … (1981-11-Entermedia Theatre-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Original Off-BroadwayThéâtre: Entermedia Theatre (Broadway (Off) - Etats-Unis) Durée : 2 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 77 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 18 November 1981
Dernière: 24 January 1982Mise en scène : Tony Tanner • Chorégraphie : Tony Tanner • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Narrator ... Laurie Beechman / Jacob ... Gordon Stanley / Reuben ... Robert Hyman / Simeon/Butler ... Kenneth Bryan / Levi ... Steve McNaughton / Napthali ... Charlie Serrano / Isasachar ... Peter Kapetan / Asher ... David Asher / Dan ... James Rich / Zebulon ... Doug VoetCommentaires longs: This is the first production to cast a female as the narrator.
Transferred to Broadway following the off-Broadway run.

Version 9
Joseph … (1981-12-Sadler's Wells Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Sadler's Wells (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : TheatreDurée : Nombre : 90 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 23 December 1981
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : Bill Kenwright • Chorégraphie : Henry Metcalf • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Jess Conrad (Joseph), Peter Lawrence (Jacob/Potiphar), John Melvin (Benjamin), Claire Peters (Potiphar’s Wife), Dave Mayberry (Pharaoh), Leo Keith Raymel (Narrator), Eric Danot, Ashley Heech, Mickie Driver

Version 10
Joseph … (1982-01-Entermedia Theatre-Off Broadway)
Type de série: Broadway TransferThéâtre: Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 1 an 7 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 219 représentationsPremière Preview : Inconnu
Première: 27 January 1982
Dernière: 04 September 1983Mise en scène : Tony Tanner • Chorégraphie : Tony Tanner • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Narrator ... Laurie Beechman / Jacob ... Gordon Stanley / Reuben ... Robert Hyman / Simeon/Butler ... Kenneth Bryan / Levi ... Steve McNaughton / Napthali ... Charlie Serrano / Isasachar ... Peter Kapetan / Asher ... David Asher / Dan ... James Rich / Zebulon ... Doug VoetCommentaires longs: This is the first production to cast a female as the narrator.
Transferred to Broadway following the off-Broadway run.

Version 11
Joseph … (1991-06-London Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 2 ans 7 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 1077 représentationsPremière Preview : 12 June 1991
Première: 12 June 1991
Dernière: 15 January 1994Mise en scène : Steven Pimlott • Chorégraphie : Anthony Van Laast • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Jason Donovan (Joseph), Linzi Hateley (Narrator), Jason Moore (Benjamin), David Easter (Pharaoh), Nicolos Colicos, Aubrey Woods, Paul Tomkinson, Patrick Clancy, Nadia StrahanCommentaires : This was a much enlarged and re-thought production given “the full works” and had a very long run of some two and a half years. During the run Jason Donovan was replaced by Philip Schofield.

Version 12
Joseph … (1993-11-Minskoff Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Minskoff Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 6 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 17 previews - 231 représentationsPremière Preview : 26 October 1993
Première: 10 November 1993
Dernière: 29 May 1994Mise en scène : Steven Pimlott • Chorégraphie : Anthony Van Laast • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph ... Michael Damian / Narrator ... Kelli Rabke / Pharaoh ... Robert Torti / Jacob/Potiphar ... Clifford David / Butler ... Glenn Sneed / Baker ... Bill Nolte / Mrs. Potiphar ... Julie Bond / Reuben ... Marc Kudisch / Simeon ... Neal Ben-Ari / Levi ... Robert TortiCommentaires longs: Tryout Dates: Pantages Theatre [Los Angeles] - 25/2/1993 - Octobre 1993

Version 13
Joseph … (1996-02-Apollo Hammersmith Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Eventim Apollo (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 71 représentationsPremière Preview : 22 February 1996
Première: 27 February 1996
Dernière: 20 April 1996Mise en scène : Steven Pimlott • Chorégraphie : Anthony Van Laast • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Philip Schofield (Joseph), Ria Jones (Narrator), Robert McWhir (Benjamin), Chris Holland (Pharaoh), Barry Martin, Richard Woodford, Elizabeth Cooper-GeeCommentaires : This was a revival of the production which ran at the London Palladium from June 1991 to January 1994, back in the West End for the second time for a nine week season.

Version 15
Joseph … (1999-07-Johann Pölz Halle-Amstetten)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Johann-Pölz-Halle (Amstetten - Autriche) Durée : 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 28 July 1999
Première: 28 July 1999
Dernière: 21 August 1999Mise en scène : Werner Sobotka • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 16
Joseph … (2000-03-Raimund Theatre-Vienne)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Raimund Theater (Vienne - Autriche) Durée : 10 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 03 March 2000
Première: 03 March 2000
Dernière: 14 January 2001Mise en scène : Werner Sobotka • Chorégraphie : Kim Duddy • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph: Hannes Muik, Erzählerin: Lucy Thould, Pharao: Paul Kribbe, Potiphar/Jacob: Peter Faerber, Judah: Norman Stehr/Cedric Lee Bradley, Simeon: Jerome Knols, Asher: Simon Eichenberger, Isaachar: László Pekár, Dan: Matthias Bitterlin, Zebulun/Bäcker: Ruben Gabira, Gad: Ramesh Nair, Benjamin: Gregor Tscherne, Naphtali: Mariano Carlini, Reuben: Torsten Björn Schmidt, Levi/Butler: Otto Pichler, Manuela Haudek, Miruna Mihailescu, Ramona Ludwig, Katrin Mersch , Stefanie Schwendy, Nina Weiss, Eleonora Talamini, Alexandra Schmid, Natalie Alison, Susanne Ten Harmsen, Christa HeligePresse : Sämtliche Brüder, Schwägerinnen, Gefangene, Wächter und Fans sind mit restlosem Einsatz bei der Sache, fegen vollprofessionell singend, swingend und tanzend über die Bretter, lassen den Abend vor allem zu einem werden: zu einem frechen Tanzmusical.
Wiener Zeitung / Eine perfekte Show für alle zwischen 6 und 99. Macht einfach unheimlich Spaß!
NÖ Nachrichten / Das Premierenpublikum reagierte begeistert: nicht enden wollender Applaus und Standing Ovations.
Kleine Zeitung Graz / Und trotz aller Andeutungen von Sex bleibt alles clean und jugendfrei. Josephs Brüder: knackige Jungs. Die Mädels: Nicht minder agil - Schau'n Sie sich das an!
Salzburger Nachrichten / Spitze sind die jungen Tänzer/Sänger, die die Songs von Webber und Tim Rice - in Englisch - zu fetzigen Show Einlagen machen.
Neue Kronen Zeitung / Das Wiener Raimund Theater hat wieder einen neuen Musicalhit. Tiroler Tageszeitung

Version 17
Joseph … (2003-03-New London Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Gillian Lynne Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 ans 6 mois Nombre : 872 représentationsPremière Preview : 13 February 2003
Première: 03 March 2003
Dernière: 05 September 2005Mise en scène : Bill Kenwright • Chorégraphie : Henry Metcalf • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Stephen Gately (Joseph), Vivienne Carlyle (Narrator), John Marques (Benjamin), Trevor Jary (Pharaoh), James Head, Kay Murphy, Russell Hicken, Philip BurrowsCommentaires : Tryout Dates: Empire Theatre [Liverpool] - 16/12/2002 - 11/1/2003
The seventh West End revival …

Version 18
Joseph … (2003-06-Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg-Tecklenburg)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg (Tecklenburg - Allemagne) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: Inconnu
Dernière: InconnuMise en scène : ???? ???? • Chorégraphie : ???? ???? • Producteur : Star(s) :

Version 19
Joseph … (2007-07-Adelphi Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Adelphi Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 an 10 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 06 July 2007
Première: 17 July 2007
Dernière: 30 May 2009Mise en scène : Steven Pimlott • Chorégraphie : Anthony Van Laast • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Gareth Gates (Joseph), Jenna Lee-James (narrator not Mon/Thu eve), Fiona Reyes (narrator Mon/Thu eve), Dean Collinson (Pharaoh), Stephen Tate (Jacob/Potiphar/Guru), Stephen John Davis (Reuben), Charlotte May Davis (Reuben's Wife), Emma Harris (Reuben's Wife), Mark Oxtoby (Simeon), Sarah Meade (Simeon's Wife), Ricky Rojas (Levi), Jennifer Ashton (Levi's Wife), Nathaniel Morrison (Napthali), Charlene Ford (Napthali's Wife/Mrs Potiphar), Adam Pearce (Issachar/Baker), Emily Mascarenhas (Issacher's Wife), Derek Andrews (Asher), Fiona Reyes (Asher's Wife/Alternate Narrator), Michael Quinn (Dan), Zoe Smith (Dan's Wife), Craig Scott (Zebulun/Apache Dancer), Louise Madisoni (Zebulun's Wife/Apache Dancer), Sophia Hurdley (Zebulun's Wife/Apache Dancer), Russell Walker (Gad/Butler), Frankie Sibthorp (Gad's Wife), Tom Gillies (Benjamin), Danielle Young (Benjamin's Wife), Neal Wright (Judah), Tamlyn Platts (Judah's Wife)Commentaires longs: Très bienPresse : NICHOLAS DE JONGH for THE EVENING STANDARD says, "It offers a seductive blend of camp, kitsch." RHODA KOENIG for THE INDEPENDENT says, "Lee Mead ...Lacking in character and with a tendency to give out towards the end of a line, his voice is not the world's greatest...But Mead more than fulfils the requirements, with a mop of dark curls, a wholesome, sweet manner, and a way of filling a pleated loincloth that will appeal to all sexes...A Joseph virgin, I enjoyed myself far more than I thought possible at a Lloyd Webber show." MICHAEL BILLINGTON for THE GUARDIAN says, "The late Steven Pimlott's 1991 Palladium production...had a heart and soul whereas everything about this revival seems either cutesy, camp or calculated." BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE for THE TIMES says, "Lee Mead...turns out to be both talented and enthusiastic...With spoofs of country music, calypso and even Piaf added to the mix, the show is a reminder of how splendidly versatile Lloyd Webber can be. Nor has Rice written jauntier lyrics." LISA MARTLAND for THE STAGE says, "Rice and Lloyd Webber’s score remains as infectious as ever." CHARLES SPENCER for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH says, "Lee Mead...looks good in a loin cloth, and has a powerful and expressive voice...By the end, however his vocals were beginning to sound a touch frayed."

Version 21
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2009-09-Beatrix Theater-Utrecht)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Beatrix Theater (Utrecht - Pays-Bas) Durée : 9 mois 2 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 23 September 2009
Première: 23 September 2009
Dernière: 10 July 2010Mise en scène : Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Joseph: Freek Bartels / Vertelster: Renée van Wegberg / Farao: Paul Walthaus, René van Kooten / Jakob: Leo Hogenboom

Version 22
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2019-07-Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 4 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 27 June 2019
Première: 11 July 2019
Dernière: 08 September 2019Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • Chorégraphie : Joanne Hunter • Producteur : Star(s) : Commentaires : Jac Yarrow, a recent graduate from theatre school ArtsEd, makes his professional debut as the title character. He joins the ranks of other actors to have previously appeared in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat include Lee Mead, Jason Donovan, Donny Osmond, Philip Schofield, Stephen Gately and Joe McElderry.

Version 23
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2020-07-Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 02 July 2020
Première: 16 July 2020
Dernière: 06 September 2020Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • Chorégraphie : Joanne Hunter • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Jason Donovan, Jac YarrowCommentaires : Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s multi-award winning musical returns to The London Palladium for a strictly limited run in summer 2020!
Following a premiere at the Edinburgh International Festival produced by the Young Vic in 1972, the musical transferred to the West End the following year. The next major production in London came in 1991, when Jason Donovan took what was to be a career-defining role at the London Palladium.
Various touring productions have played London over the last few decades, but the last major run was in 2007, when a revival of the London Palladium production opened at the Adelphi Theatre.

Version 24
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2021-06-Palladium Theatre-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: Palladium Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : 12 July 2021
Première: 12 July 2021
Dernière: 05 September 2021Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • Chorégraphie : Joanne Hunter • Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Alexandra Burke (The Narrator), Linzi Hateley (Narrator - some performances), Jac Yarrow (Joseph), Jason Donovan (Pharaoh), Steffan Lloyd Evans (Reuben), Bobby Windebank (Simeon), Femi Akinfolarin, Jabari Braham, Gemma Buckingham, Thalia Burt, Jasmin Colangelo, Jonathan Cordin, Francessca Daniella-Baker, Alexander Day, Andre Fabien Francis, Llandyll Gove, Abigayle Honeywill, Blythe Jandoo, Danny Nattrass, Perry O'Dea, Georgina Parkinson, Emily-Ann Potter, Jon Reynolds, Rochelle Sherona, Katie Singh, Callum Train, Ava Belle Alexander (some dates), Toby Byers (some dates), Mei Chiu (some dates), Esme Connolly (some dates), Hattie Connolly (some dates), Alinah Dagpin (some dates), Amelie Davison (some dates), Josselyn Ospina Escobar (some dates), Kaylenn Aires Fonseca (some dates), Noah Swer Fox (some dates), Bella Harding (some dates), Amber Hodder (some dates), Rafferty Ison (some dates), Holly Jade Roberts (some dates), Harry Jelley (some dates), Livi Kent (some dates), Tamar Laniado (some dates), Charlie McGonagle (some dates), Isabelle Mullally (some dates), Edesiri Paula Okpenerho (some dates), Amy Osborn (some dates), Millie Playle (some dates), Riley Plummer (some dates), Teddy Probets (some dates), Austin Riley (some dates), Harrison Skinner (some dates), Ethan Sokontwe (some dates), Ellis Sutherland (some dates), Charlie Tumbridge (some dates), Lilli Watkins (some dates)
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