One of the operettas that catapulted Leopold Fall to success, and still one of his most popular and most-performed works, his 1907 Die Dollarprinzessin concerns the hapless love of Alice, daughter of a wealthy coal magnate, for the philandering Freddy. Their romance is complemented by a cast of colourful characters and – of course - a secondary love plot. Successful productions of Die Dollarprinzessin ran both in London and on Broadway in 1909, and it remains in the opera company repertoire to this day.
It was first performed at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna on 2 November 1907, conducted by the composer and starring Mizzi Günther as Alice. An English adaptation, called The Dollar Princess opened in London at Daly's Theatre on 25 September 1909 and ran for 428 performances.
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