Nora Bayes, Charles Winninger et Lila Rhodes faisaient partie du cast de cette revue. Six des seize numéros musicaux ont été composés par Irving Berlin; Cohan et Berlin ont collaboré sur une chanson; les neuf autres numéros étaient de la composition de Cohan. La production était une production de Cohan et Harris. Elle a été mise en scène par Cohan.
"The Cohan Revue of 1918" a suivi les traces de "Hello, Broadway!" et "The Cohan Revue of 1916" à savoir rendre hommage au burlesque sur la scène actuelle de Broadway.
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Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Cohan Revue of 1918 (The)

Version 1
Cohan Revue of 1918 (The) (1917-12-New Amsterdam Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: New Amsterdam Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 2 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 96 représentationsPremière Preview : 31 December 1917
Première: 31 December 1917
Dernière: 23 March 1918Mise en scène : George M. Cohan • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Star(s) : Avec: Nora Bayes (Polly of the Follies, Madame Sand, Music Memory, Florence Reed), Jessica Brown (Bessie McCoy, The She Dancer, The Dancing Slave), Paul E. Burns (Perlmutter, Flynn), Charles Dow Clark (Belasco), C. Bert Dunlop (Frank Tinney), John B. Dyllyn (The King's Attendant, Music Minister, Chu Chin Chow), Murry Evans (Frank Craven), Irving Fisher (Jazbo, A Soldier Boy), Edward Gepp (Bluch), Eleanor Henry (Tiger Rose, Miss Melody), Arthur Hill (A Regular Tiger, A Spanish Bull, Bosco), Sydney Jarvis (Bill McDevlin, Lionel Ibbetson, Music Writer, Mitchell's Stenographer, Russell), Neil Kelly (A Newsboy), Lou Lockett (Mr. Maytime, The He Dancer), Paul Nicholson (Ziegfeld, Hitchy Koo, Jack Ibbetson, Corbett, Nathan), Lila Rhodes (Miss Maytime, Tanya Huber, Miss Harmony), Lucille Romain (Miss 1918), Frederick Santley (John Paul Bart, Mr. Words, A Slave Auctioneer, Tailor-Made Mitchell), Al Stedman (Belasco's Office Boy, Blond, Count Zucco, Music Butler, Another Minister), Fanny Stedman (Rosie Potash, Marjorie Rambeau), Phil White (Potash, Hart), Hans Wilson (Jack O'Lantern), Charles Winninger (King Leo, Mitchell's Secretary)Presse : "Although lacking in the subtleties which distinguished the other revues (…) the new revue (…) was loudly welcomed by an audience of the sort which is to be found only at the first performances of a Cohan show (…) the Berlin numbers are in most cases superior to Cohan's ....
The scenery, as in the case of the previous revues, is of the sort which makes one long for a touch of Urban: the appeal of Cohan, as has frequently been said, is to the ear and not the eye. And it is only those with ears most delicately sensitized who will fail to respond to the appeal of 'The
Cohan Revue of 1918.'" (New York Times - 1/1/1918)
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