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Compositeur Musique additionelle Librettiste Parolier Metteur en scène Chorégraphe Producteur création Producteur version

Version 1
Big (1996-04-Shubert Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Shubert Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 5 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 22 previews - 193 représentationsPremière Preview : Monday 08 April 1996Première : Sunday 28 April 1996Dernière : Sunday 13 October 1996Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur :

Version 2
Crazy for you (1992-02-Shubert Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Shubert Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis) Durée : 3 ans 10 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 10 previews - 1622 représentationsPremière Preview : Friday 31 January 1992Première : Wednesday 19 February 1992Dernière : Sunday 07 January 1996Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Avec : Polly Baker … Jodi Benson
Bobby Child … Harry Groener
Bela Zangler … Bruce Adler
Lank Hawkins … John Hillner
Irene Roth … Michele Pawk
Everett Baker … Ronn Carroll
Mother … Jane Connell
Tess … Beth Leavel
Eugene … Stephen Temperley
Patricia … Amelia White
Patsy … Stacey Logan
Sheila … Judine Hawkins Richard
Mitzi … Paula Leggett
Susie … Ida Henry
Louise … Jean Marie
Betsy … Penny Ayn Maas
Margie … Salomé Mazard
Vera … Louise Ruck
Elaine … Pamela Everett
Perkins … Gerry Burkhardt
Moose … Brian M. Nalepka
Mingo … Tripp Hanson
Sam … Hal Shane
Junior … Casey Nicholaw
Custus … Gerry Burkhardt
Pete … Fred Anderson
Jimmy … Michael Kubala
Billy … Ray Roderick
Wyatt … Jeffrey Lee Broadhurst
Harry … Joel GoodnessPresse : "When future historians try to find the exact moment at which Broadway finally rose up to grab the musical back from the British, they just may conclude that the revolution began last night. The shot was fired at the Shubert Theater, where a riotously entertaining show called Crazy for You uncorked the American musical's classic blend of music, laughter, dancing, sentiment and showmanship with a freshness and confidence rarely seen during the Cats decade. The miracle has been worked here most ingeniously, though not exclusively, by an extraordinary choreographer named Susan Stroman and the playwright Ken Ludwig." Frank Rich, New York Times
"It is heaven on earth. Everything an American musical comedy should be." The New Yorker
"It's no easy task writing a new book for a half a dozen of the best songs ever written for Broadway, and keeping the style of the song-writers, especially when they happen to be named George and Ira Gerwhin, but that's just what Lend Me A Tenor's Ken Ludwig has done with his newest, Crazy For You, the absolutely smashing, razzle-dazzle musical which opened Wednesday night at the Shubert Theater." CBS-Radio
"The brass and the gold of Broadway are back! Ludwig excels in wonderful vaudeville put-down and shows off his neat timing for comedy. Crazy For You will doubtless have audiences crazy for it through a blissfully indefinite future." The New York Post
"An explosion of joy! Something scrumptious indeed. Things are looking up!" The New York Daily News
"A firecracker of a show! A fizzy new libretto by Ken Ludwig and the choreography of your dreams by Susan Stroman." USA Today
"This show has enough energy to light up Broadway for a decade, and that's how long it may run. Crazy For You is a knockout smash hit." WNYW-New York
"Ken Ludwig delivers surprise after surprise. He has written one of the funniest shows around." The Philadelphia Enquirer
"A Great Broadway Musical! A show to take your kids to. … A show friends come in from out-of-town just to see!" WABC-TV
"Pure Joy! The concept is brilliant." Newsweek
"A knockout smash hit! Great music, witty lyrics … and a nonstop sense of fun." WNYW-TV
"Wow! What at show! It is absolutely fabulous!" WWOR-TV
"Broadway's newest hit! It's terrific!" NBC-TV
"Frantically funny!" Malden Observer
"From screwball start to dreamy finish, "Crazy for You" practically floats over the Kirkwood stage. Under the direction of Michael Hamilton, it makes a delicious close to Stages' 2007 season." Judy Newmark, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Version 3
Crazy for you (1993-03-Prince Edward Theatre-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Prince Edward Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 2 ans 11 mois 4 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Wednesday 03 March 1993Première : Wednesday 03 March 1993Dernière : Saturday 24 February 1996Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Susan Stroman • Producteur : Avec : Kirby Ward (Bobby Child), Ruthie Henshall (Polly Baker), Avril Angers (Mother), Amanda Prior (Irene Roth), Chris Langham (Bela Zangler) , Don Fellows (Everett Baker), Kieran Mcllroy, Stephen Mear, Gavin Lee

Version 4
Follies (1987-07-Shaftesbury Theatre-London)
Type de série: Original LondonThéâtre: Shaftesbury Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 an 6 mois 2 semaines Nombre : 644 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 21 July 1987Dernière : Saturday 04 February 1989Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Bob Avian • Producteur : Avec : Phyllis Rogers Stone - Diana Rigg [replaced by Millicent Martin] / Sally Durant Plummer - Julia McKenzie / Ben Stone - Daniel Massey / Buddy Plummer - David Healy / Carlotta Campion - Dolores Gray [replaced by Eartha Kitt] / Stella Deems - Lynda Baron [replaced by Meg Johnson] / Billie Whitman - Pearl Carr / Wally Whitman - Teddy Johnson / Solange Lafitte - Maria Charles / Hattie Walker - Margaret Courtenay [replaced by Hope Jackman] / Heidi Schiller - Adele Leigh [replaced by Eileen Page] / Dimitri Weissman - Leonard Sachs [replaced by Harold Kasket] / Stage Manager - Roy Sone / Ronnie Cohen - Ronnie Price / Roscoe - Paul Bentley [replaced by John Fryatt, replaced by David Eynon] / Young Phyllis - Gillian Bevan [replaced by Sally Ann Triplett] / Young Sally - Deborah Poplett [replaced by Jenna Russell] / Young Ben - Simon Green [replaced by Dursley McLinden] / Young Buddy - Evan Pappas [replaced by Anthony Barclay] / Christine Donovan - Josephine Gordon / Deedee West - Dorothy Vernon [replaced by Patricia Lancaster] / Meredith Lane - Jill Martin / Max Blanck - Bruce Graham [replaced by Patrick McCarthy] / Young Heidi - Michelle Todd [replaced by Maureen-Sarah Roche] / Margie - Sally Ann Triplett [replaced by Dawn Spence]Commentaires : The show had originally been produced on Broadway April 4th 1971 with a cast including Dorothy Collins, Alexis Smith, Gene Nelson and Yvonne de Carlo. It ran for 522 performances with critical success, but was such a large-scale show that it never recovered its production costs and ended up making a loss.
Cameron Mackintosh insisted on a number of revisions for this London premiere, and scenes were re-arranged, numbers cut, and new numbers written. The London show, too, was a critical success (though not a financial one) but ultimately Sondheim preferred the original New York version, and from then onwards it is the Broadway version that is the only one available for performance. Among a number of cast changes at the end of the first year, Millicent Martin took over from Diana Rigg and Eartha Kitt replaced Dolores Gray.

Version 5
Inner Voices (1983-06-Lyttelton Theatre-NT-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: National Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Lyttelton TheatreDurée : 4 mois 4 semaines Nombre : 58 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Thursday 16 June 1983Dernière : Saturday 12 November 1983Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Commentaires : INNER VOICES (1950) by Eduardo de Filippo translated by N. F. Simpson (1983) Director Mike Ockrent Lyttelton 16 June - 12 November 58 performances; 26,206 (51% & 39%)

Version 6
Just So (1990-11-Tricycle Theatre-London)
Type de série: OriginalThéâtre: Tricycle Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : 1 mois 3 semaines Nombre : Première Preview : Thursday 22 November 1990Première : Thursday 22 November 1990Dernière : Saturday 12 January 1991Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Anthony Van Laast • Producteur : Avec : Gary Bond (Eldest Magician), Sharon Benson (Zebra), Martyn Ellis (Rhino), Linzi Hateley (Kolokolo Bird) , Richard Henders {Elephant Child), Clive Rowe (Parsee Man), Jenna Russell (Dingo), David Schneider (Kangaroo), Nadia Strachan (Giraffe), Clinton Derricks & Carroll Vincent Leigh (Pau Amma)Commentaires : The first version of this show won the Vivian Ellis Award in 1985, after which it was given a try-out at the Watermill Theatre, Newbury in 1989, directed by Julia McKenzie. This London fringe premiere was the launching pad for its very successful ongoing productions at regional and amateur theatres everywhere.

Version 7
Me And My Girl (1985-02-Adelphi Theatre-London)
Type de série: UK RevivalThéâtre: Adelphi Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 7 ans 11 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 3303 représentationsPremière Preview : Tuesday 12 February 1985Première : Tuesday 12 February 1985Dernière : Saturday 16 January 1993Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Gillian Gregory • Producteur : Avec : Robert Lindsay as Bill Snibson, Emma Thompson, and Frank Thornton. Cast changes included : Enn Reitel (as Bill Snibson) and Su Pollard (as Sally Smith) in 1986; Gary Wilmot (as Bill Snibson) and Jessica Martin (as Sally Smith) in 1989. Thornton was succeeded by Nicholas Smith.Commentaires : The original 1937 production the Victoria Palace starred Lupino Lane and was a shorter show with just nine songs, playing twice-nightly. It was revived twice during the war, and was twice closed down because its theatres suffered bomb damage. This revival had a new book and incorporated additional Noel Gay songs. It transferred to New York in August 1986 (with Robert Lindsay) and ran for 1420 performances. Cast changes during the 8 year London run included Lorraine Chase, Karl Howman, Louise English, David Schofield, Bonnie Langford, Gary Wilmot, Jessica Martin, Patrick Cargill, Brian Conley, Su Pollard, Bernard Bresslaw, Les Dennis, Jonathan Morris, Andrew O'Connor and Joanna Riding.

Version 8
Me And My Girl (1986-08-Marquis Theatre-Broadway)
Type de série: Original BroadwayThéâtre: Marquis Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 3 ans 4 mois 3 semaines Nombre : 11 previews - 1420 représentationsPremière Preview : Friday 01 August 1986Première : Sunday 10 August 1986Dernière : Sunday 31 December 1989Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Gillian Gregory • Producteur :

Version 9
Passion Play (1981-01-Aldwych Theatre-London)
Type de série:Théâtre: Aldwych Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Durée : Nombre : Première Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 13 January 1981Dernière : InconnuMise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Producteur : Avec : Morgan Priscilla (Agnes), Whitelaw Billie (Eleanor), Whitrow Benjamin (James), Rodgers Anton (Jim), Jameson Louise (Kate), Atkins Eileen (Nell), Brennan Frank (Unnamed parts), Flintoff Ian (Unnamed parts), Gallivan Colum (Unnamed parts), Jason Neville (Unnamed parts), Jenkins Claire (Unnamed parts), Mole Juliette (Unnamed parts), Nesbitt Sally (Unnamed parts), Shakesby Patricia (Unnamed parts), Wallace Kevin (Unnamed parts)Commentaires : Un spectacle de la RSC.

Version 10
Watch on the Rhine (1980-09-Lyttelton Theatre-NT-London)
Type de série: RevivalThéâtre: National Theatre (Londres - Angleterre) Salle : Lyttelton TheatreDurée : 5 mois 1 semaine Nombre : 48 représentationsPremière Preview : InconnuPremière : Tuesday 16 September 1980Dernière : Monday 23 February 1981Mise en scène : Mike Ockrent • Chorégraphie : Producteur :